How to handle hate speech

forum leaders exist so that VH staff can get on with running VH and not have to be mired in forum nonsense. concerns such as r__e or predatory sexual nature and harassment of participants and guest should be reported to support. blathering on about it on the forums gets everybody nowhere fast. not to mention it c___es the forum and makes ordinary discussion impossible.

James, no one is ganging up on you as we are trying to find solutions to one issue here and that is the use of insulting language, which you yourself have already regretted earlier in the forum.

I really don’t care for this leader crap as I am no better or worse than you, but if we can find a common solution then surely that can make a better future cant it?

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100 percent agree with you my friend excellently written :pray::clap:

im sorry but they have too much power for a while i actually thought jabbeth owned the site and im not joking

im not sure that vhtv team gonna do something about that.

Mr.Jab is still complaining about harrasment incident that manager do nothing about it until today.

Now that we cant say a word . it become more concealed

Just a quick one; while our fellow moment operator named sparkles hates certain people, e.g. porn & cam workers, he’s biased, and he indicates it everywhere at this forum, so yes, this is a hate speech and this is a right place to discuses these problems related to the leaders and all others having some duties here; so could our dear leaders do me a favour, and will tell him to shut the fuck up? At least in the places which he doesn’t intend to follow; thank you;

Do you know what we can do more than you? It may surprise you.

the power to edit other peoples posts is not ok with me

I won’t tell anybody here to shut up when he does not insult anybody. Sparkles is sarcastic but no insults coming from him.

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You simply do not understand his intends, as he definitely wants to influence on others by disgracing some participants, but I understand you’re going to defend him and yourself too, because you’re often reproducing the same nonsense abut participants like he does;

I am an independent person here. Sometimes I agree with your posts, sometimes not. Sometimes I agree with Sparkles posts and sometimes not. Sometimes I make posts nobody agrees to. I am not always easy myself. I try but I am far from perfect.


My two cents input. Yes, we have post’s lost in translation. Yes, we have disturbances in the f___e. Yes, we don’t have proper management of post’s, yes, we have loose cannons drip feeding their caustic ideals all over the place. Yes, we have agenda driven posters. No, we don’t have enough common decency as human species and of course we have hater’s. Yes we have stalkers and obsessives. We are a mixed bag of pervy people who agree on some things and disagree on everything else. How to handle it is by my reckoning is take away individual rulings and set up a jury. 3 members get to decide on the fate of post’s/poster. Majority vote decides.

3 People is not enough to decide for the whole community. Your proposal makes sense when everybody can take part into post’s & even author’s fate.

Meanwhile, I’ve raised a sensitivity level of reported post’s fate. This was lowered when we started as the system had no enough data to calculate whatever it calculates, and now it may react quicker to disruptive behavior. That said, the forum can handle the post’s deletion based on your Flag reports.

That’s not a solution to the problem, I predicted this topic to be controversial, yet it shows the weaknesses of all sides. This brings me to the point that we do need some help with moderation, two moderators is not enough to keep up with all the flags here. I need to think it over and see how quickly we can scale mod department here. The thing is that we can’t just add moderators out of public. We need this job to be based on agreements and contracts, with appropriate payroll and amount of “paper”-work.

Nothing unsolvable, of course.

Maybe we should have some etiquette rules:

*Treat others the way you would want to be treated.
*Be polite.
*Keep in mind that raw text may be ambiguous and often seems ruder than the same words coming from a person standing in front of you. Irony is not always obvious when written. Remember that text comes without facial expressions, vocal inflection, or body language. Be careful choosing the words you write: what you mean might not be what others understand. Likewise, be careful how you interpret what you read: what you understand might not be what others mean.

I think a lot of forums has some basic etiquette rules. Maybe a person of VH staff should warn when a person is not respecting the rules. After 3 warns, that person may be silence for X number of hours. Just giving an idea.

Well, there are already these pseudo-rules here, but no one takes any notice of them nor I suspect has anyone read them. :frowning:

Well, good luck, it’s the big question of these days… Politicians, scholars and even judges struggle with this question, The thin line between between freedom of expression and hate speech… where to draw it and who should draw it… Google it and you find pages full written about it…

I have no answer to it, only can give my opinion.

First of all, i admire the current way of handling this, there is no forum police which checks every word we write and constantly correct it when something wrong is written… this feels good. Most of the crossing the line discussions i have seen solved themselves in a more or less polite manner.

Having this said to me it’s not done to directly insult the participants, but then the question rises where is the line. You can say someone is a pervert, oké, point made, your opinion, but doing this repeatedly in 10 posts on a row and bringing it up every time you can starts to get annoying and insulting. But that is it to me, and i have the option to block this person so i don’t have to read his comments anymore. The only person who can really decide if it’s insulting is the person who is it about.

To give this responsibility to the leaders isnt a good idea, they are people too with good and bad days and they need there own freedom.

To dedicate moderators to this could be working, but they should have a high tolerance level which is in the spirit of the current level and a thick skin because they can never do it right.

Well to play with open cards I would be willing to do it. I am far from perfect and I also have a lot to learn for sure. But I think all my experience I have following the site from the very beginning might benefit us all here. I am waiting now for VHTV if they will consider my application or not :wink:

," moderators reserve the right to remove any content and any user account for any reason at any time"

giving any user this much authority is too much and even if you have good intentions its inevitable they will be a___e of power

Well every forums has moderators. It does not work without them.

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should be someone from vhtv staff then