How to handle hate speech

Let me reply to you here as you brought it up.

I don’t find your personal application suitable to the Mod role as you are biased towards your opinion on the project. This applies to every VHTV viewer, that’s why I don’t want to seek for Moderators reinf___ements among those who have passion with the project. This team requires people who are watching the forum, not the show. Or those rare people who can keep their opinion out of subjective context, having clear understanding where show ends and policies enter the chat. In my opinion, it’s not you. And there’s nothing personal, buddy.

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Oopsie! Objection

Well that is true. So you maybe should look among your stuff? Why not ask Dwayne? He is a cool guy and always helpful in support. :+1: :+1:

Can people please stop throwing this word around and calling the participants it there is no need for it and also most people outside of voyeur house TV would probably see us pervs but we are not we just like what we like but it’s not nice to call others when these people giving us entertainment. Lets show some respect.

Because I don’t have the time lol. Oh, you mean the other Dwayne. :joy::joy::joy:

I noticed a lot less of hate speech and in general a way better atmosphere here the last two days :+1: :+1:

I agree :pray::pray::+1:

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I would love to start answering to the last question,because from that you can find the answer for all the other problems.

Personally i consider insult a kind of violence: like Kicking or punching with words, a violent behaviour that exceed all capacity to face problems with reason and tolerance.

Zero tolerance is the answer to this kind of behaviour (toward Partecipants and members), even if the zero tolerance can be considered itself a form of violence.

So Insult is an insult when is just expression of violence, and the context of the post reveals if is just violence or “excess of argument”.

If it is just violence in my opinion it cannot be tolerated, in the other case the author of post can be cautioned about his behaviour.

Who can judge that ?

Personally i’d prefer to leave the judgement to the community or at least give the community a way to express if something is an insult or not: a moderator able to understand the feeling of the community would be a great solution to the problem.

I think they’ve not invented yet such sophisticated algorithm able to support this function, so better let technology do things she can do.

This way of thinking implies anyhow that If it is a community of Trolls nothing will be considered an insult.

Liberty of speech: i think the community is the key in this case as well.

The advantage of living in a virtual community is this (unlike the real community) that if you don’t like it anymore, you can move away - or participate less - and not be harmed by the fact that you are moving away.

Therefore not all the rules that apply to real community also apply to the virtual community.

To be clearer: If a certain language on Facebook is not tolerable, because Facebook has become an extension of the real community, in a hypothetical “Old Pigs Anonymous” community, certain language can be tolerated.

It might be time to decide what kind of community the Forum wants to be with a serious and honest examination of why we are all here.

To the point that started the topic: i think that @JamesDeen23 your way of support your opinion has more violence than arguments and for that it disturbed me a lot.

I’ve been moderator in a lot of places and i always followed an old rule: “do not feed the Troll” (and when a Troll feeds himself, kick him).

Thanks to anyone had the patience to read me.


How about adding another ‘picture’ - i am a bit of a technophobe so don’t know the right words. In the box already is a heart,an up and down thumb,a face palm , shocked crying angry faces etc. Is there something where we could just show disapproval for something just not very nice For example recently someone ( i don’t remember who) suggested that Chloe would be better with a head transplant. I don’t know what he would have thought of me if i had suggested that his m____r needed one but it thought the comment was plain horrible . Is there something that we could do to highlight unpleasant posts.

I’ve only been here for a few days and I respect the rules here. I have such a reflection. Recently, in the country where I live, the 5th edition of the world-famous format has already ended. Unfortunately, one of the most opinion-forming forums turned out to be one in which the use of various types of profanity, boorish language, etc. is on a daily basis. This is how it is. If you know a little about the internet in my f____rland, when you hear the name of the forum I am writing about, you must be prepared for a very, very strong language.

Lot of hate at the moment about a guest guy in the Yan and Flora topic. Calling him a loser and telling him to piss off how can this sort of language be allowed. Members think they know him and when was told he was shy carried on the disgusting comments… @VHTV_James I thought leader members were meant to be on top of this sort of thing.

They have no control over anything and it pisses me off when I see other people getting a___ed on here with no comeback and it just carries on with no repercussions whatsoever and that was why resigned as a leader, because it is pointless.

Other forums act on things and control their forums but this place is a utopian fool’s dream thinking they can make some rules and everyone will follow them.

Sadly we were told back in May of this year when VHTV said: “I need to think it over and see how quickly we can scale mod department here.”

Yet nothing has changed and even that comment I just made in this sentence is repeated over and over historically here on this site. What a shame :frowning:

I must admit this is the first time i have seen this topic so obviously that must make me a thick bastard but you mustn’t agree as that will be insulting behaviour :rofl:
Within reason this is all getting a bit silly as there will always be banter between members and so there should be.
In the majority of cases this is what’s called having a sense of humour which from what i have witnessed at times seems to be very much lacking among some members.
VHTV have to be very careful which route they decide to go down to police these matters as it has the possibility to make this forum very vanilla and not worth reading.
That’s assuming of course that it needs policing.?
Using the Google API would be a recipe for disaster as no software has the capability to distinguish between evil intent or just piss taking so using that is a no no to begin with.
The only intervention which should be allowed, if you think that is needed, is human intervention from say well established MO’s who normally have the capaciity to rule as to whether anything said is bad intent or just piss taking.
I see many take objection to the term sexual predator but to be honest, in many cases, this would be quite a reasonable argument as many just go from apartment to apartment just looking for cock or pussy but in the main is normally used for the male fraternity. Why i don’t know as many of the women are just as bad if not worse in some cases.
What does really piss me off though is how often many members want to bring up the r__e accusation and they go on and on and on about it.
Lets also be honest, any participant who appears on VHTV is well aware as to what goes on and what they may be letting themselves in for so to make the excuse that some of them are just innocent maidens is a load of bollocks to start with.
You can argue for and against on many points but lets not kid ourselves 99% of people who tune in to VH and to the forums are only looking for one thing and that ain’t a vicars tea party. Recent posts seem to indicate that more than ever.
What is an insult? well that has to depend on the context of what is being said between members and only MO’s will have the ability to distinguish what is just banter and what is malicious.
MO’s like @VHTV_James @jabbath1987, @Bluewinner, @anon31605929 and @Just_In (fuck me that may be pushing it for a b___dy scotsman :laughing:) are all quite capable of ruling on these matters as they, in most cases, know the members making these remarks or soon will.
So just be careful what you wish for as you may not get what you were hoping to achieve.


It’s a real shame some members get away with some degusting comments aimed at either guests or participants and even members hope VHTV decides to do something soon.

You make some good points @robwin. I think it is a good idea to have some moderators to look for comments that are likely to offend. However, part of me is thinking are they really needed, as a few days ago I was flagged for a comment I made and was told it could be considered offensive and my post was hidden. I was given an opportunity to edit my post and take out the offending phrase and replace it with more moderate language. I declined that, as what I had written was the truth!:joy: Now how did I get flagged? The simple answer is I have no idea, but there seems to be some form of policing in place.

It is interesting what you say when the subject turns to the accusation of r__e. Although I hate to say it, I think this subject will always be raised. Everybody have their own interpretation of what r__e is, so you will always get differing opinions on the subject. Your view on r__e will depend on the country you live in and the laws that country has around the offence of r__e. Not easy to square the circle on that one.

I think if you contribute on this forum, you have to accept people may have a different view to your own and will place their comments on this forum. The comments may contain some colourful language and maybe some name calling, but in general terms would be classed as “banter”. The question is where do you draw the line on comments being banter to then becoming classed as being offensive? Again not an easy question to answer.

Nothing will change as VHTV has said himself that the participants are big enough and old enough to take care of themselves, which isn’t really reducing the issue, and some could say it actually encourages the issue. :frowning:

They always say it’s a hard life, especially on a porn site where hard is the order of the day :rofl:

I fully agree it does encourage the issue so not sure what will be done but my guess nothing. :frowning_face:

Within reason i must agree with VHTV, if they are big enough,old enough and stupid enough to appear on a porn site i rest my case :rofl:

I see no reason whatever for insults about participants appearance - make positive comments or say nothing - simple. We all have different perspectives on attractiveness or not and we all know that cruel comment can adversely impact on the individual concerned. I would be happy to see such comments banned or removed. As to participants wider lives and behaviours, people like to get involved via the Forum although often without any understanding of the participants backgrounds, motives or what they are actually saying! However, again, there is no reason why viewers can’t enjoy such involvement without hurling insults or being gratuitously unpleasant. Of course, there is always subjectivity in judging some of this but some comments clearly cross the line and should be removed. Frankly I find the Forum far more fun and entertaining when it is free of trolling and insults.