Category | Topics |
Apartments DiscussionPeople should use that category to discuss what happens in the apartments. It is good to have a topic for each place so nobody gets confused about what people talk about.
General DiscussionThis category is for all discussions, which do not fit any categories you found in the forum. Don’t be shy, our staff members will help categorizing your topic in case you made a mistake
Your Feedback & IdeasThis is general category for your feedback. Please choose the category wisely, try not to post anything in general category.
WikiThis category is dedicated to store useful Wikis and Directories maintained by users who are committed to keep those up-to-date.
Latest News & FreebiesThis category contains new Blog posts which you are invited to comment to.
All the other stuffThe general idea of this category is to offload off-topic content here. This section may not turn into junk though, if “off-topic” gets categories and those may develop themselves in corresponding directions.