How to handle hate speech

Community, I need your discussion here.
Yet another example is this post:


  1. Do we prohibit insults towards participants? Does it apply to insults towards forum members?
    How do we handle insults “indirect insults” like “that pervert, that cunt, those fuckers…” and so on?

  2. Do we let Forum Leaders edit the posts which they find insulting to remove the insults?
    Or we report such posts as community and expect moderator to hide the post or system to hide it automatically upon reaching certain thresholds? Post author is able to edit the post to comply with forum rules and it will be re-published again.

  3. How do we handle this in terms of freedom of speech? We always advocate for it, yet it has limits of when free expression of opinion meets civil ways for it to be expressed.

  4. What is an insult?

Calling henry a sexual predator is totally unacceptable infact insults to participants should not be allowed in general we are here to observe there lives not try to f___e our views on them and insult them because we dont like something they are perceived to be doing i believe you @VHTV_James dont do enough to stop the uncalled for insulting of participants the vile a___e henry and mira receive is disgusting and unnecessary

How any “viewer” on here has the brass neck to call any participant a Pervert is beyond me. Pot and kettle eh.

My thoughts exactly

I would say context is key. what’s acceptable in one country is abhorrent in another. where I’m from insults and curses are liberally thrown around in a jovial manner, but it’s the context of usage that’s important to understand. The tone of voice and intent. I think the question “do you want to edit that comment?” should always be asked before any action is taken. In fact at one forum I used to frequent they actually had a pop up when you clicked the reply button that asked if you wanted to rethink what you’d written before posting it. It just gave you a second to breath and have second thoughts.

One radical way to combat toxic speech is to introduce Google’s Perspective API. Our forum is ready for it’s integration thanks to open-sourced plugin, and it will able to:

  • Prompt users if they are sure about submitting a potentially toxic post, before submit.
  • Automatically flag toxic posts for moderators and admins to review.
  • Optionally scan private categories and PM’s for toxic content
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that’s slightly worrying. getting into thought police territory there. the first two I don’t have a problem with.

I agree and if integrated, don’t want private messages to be fed to AI. This is optional.

I just agree massive change is needed im glad your finally doing something participants have been verbally a___ed to long @VHTV_James

These are insults and should be prohibited. However the word “pervert” is not really a bad insult. I jokingly named myself a “professional pervert” and others did similiar. On a site about nudity and sexual interaction that word for me is no insult.

Well I used to edit them but now rather report them. But I will accept any decision on that matter.

Free speech ends when other people get seriously and not jokingly insulted.

Hah good question. I would define it when it is just mean, not jokingly and funny meant. Sometimes however they are justified. Calling Luchik or Bruno a r____t should be allowed as when I call Putin a fucking asshole :stuck_out_tongue:

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Not sure if that is a good idea. The forums lives from funny banter and some sarcastic comments everybody knows they are not an insult in the right context. I am not sure if Google API can handle that.

I would assume that the API has a level of modification from mild filtering to rigidly filtered.

Jabbs changes need to be made calling people whores and sexual predator is unacceptable and is happening to regularly

Yes I do not like these words…

Yes its d______eful and totally unnecessary


  • Insult: xyz is a bastard, asshole, twat, idiot, whore, scumbag…
  • No insult: xyz is a perv, wanker, old man when in right context

It’s “these” words Jabs mate, just sayin. :+1:

Insult sexual predator

Thx. Changed it

Not really. Depends on context.