How to handle hate speech

Its a huge insult you call someone that on the streets where im from your getting your ass kicked and going to hospital

A sexual predator is a person who seeks out sexual contact with another person in a predatory or abusive manner

Yeah but in forums context here I do not know. Maybe a better name for somebody who has a lot of sexual contacts and adventures? I remember people saying here girls are on the hunt for guys…

there’s also the issue of a competence in the English language. there’s a big difference in discussing someone behaving in a predatory manner and just calling someone a predator. one is a discussion on human behaviour and the other is a flat out insult. Not everybody understands the difference. Google translate flattens the intention and a lot of context in a comment posted in a non-English language. therefore care has to be taken when dealing with posts from non-English users. It’s a bit of a minefield already. Especially when non-English users insist on posting pre-translated remarks that are pretty much garb__d and a struggle to understand. Inadvertent insults can happen. Can’t have a system that just obliterates posts because of a miscommunication.

The way its getting said to henry is the abusive way

Well, you tried to cover this in the FAQs, but these guidelines were all well and good when the forum was in its infancy, but the forum has grown exponentially up until today, so in my opinion, there has to be a change as people are just unable to respect each other. So maybe it wouldn’t hurt to add a few evolutionary rules.

If we report posts, historically, it takes ages before they are acted upon, and by that time, there often are many of these posts. If a forum leader edits a post, the op should be advised to reword their post. So in that sense, I see no issue with a leader editing a post in this way as long as they advise the posters that this is inappropriate and should be edited. By the way, there are no rules on this forum as there are guidelines, not rules.

Everyone should be allowed freedom of speech but even The Human Rights Act denotes that:

Although you have freedom of expression, you also have a duty to behave responsibly and to respect other people’s rights.

Public authorities may restrict this right if they can show that their action is lawful, necessary and proportionate in order to:

  • protect national security, territorial integrity (the borders of the state) or public safety
  • prevent disorder or crime
  • protect health or morals
  • protect the rights and reputations of other people
  • prevent the disclosure of information received in confidence
  • maintain the authority and impartiality of judges

An authority may be allowed to restrict your freedom of expression if, for example, you express views that encourage racial or religious hatred.

There are at four or five examples which are broken on these forums regularly and professed to be freedom of speech.

100 percent agree alot people hide behind freedom of speech and say unacceptable things and seem to get away with

Many participants i dislike on vhtv you wont see me go and insult them i simply just dont watch there cam simple as that

I would really like to leave out Henry here. Seems like he his highly divisive here in forums. But I also think he can handle the sarcastic comments he gets quite well. With serious insults against him there should be no difference to other people…

As i said if they dont like him or mira simple solution dont watch

Sure but they have the right to say what they do not like as long as they do not insult them…

But they do insult him lol thats the problem :joy:

Yes insulting people is a problem…

This has already been said by VHTV themselves and made we should avoid pigeon quoting here as it might be misconstrued as to the intention of such posts.

With serious insults against him there should be no difference to other people…

Although, I 100% agree with this.

jabbath1987Moments Operator


What is he/she/it Nekohey? :joy::joy::see_no_evil:

Being called a he/she/it I’d find that rather insulting.

@VHTV_James wants to give Leaders the authority to edit posts when they clearly can’t edit their own.

Plus if you intend to put a realm on mute put the thread on mute too, instead of coming to it to s__t stir and wind up the people who actually enjoy that particular realm. I know you don’t like the cammers & +7 realms but others do you’ve told us 1000’s of times so just ignore them.

I don’t follow M&H and all their offspring realms because I don’t like them, so I avoid going to them so the people can enjoy them without me butting in. I may have to consider visiting them just to wind people up with negative comments.

i regret my insults because it allowed the henry apologists to deflect and just focus on the insults rather then the issue i was trying to raise but i believe it should be up to @VHTV_James on whats allowed and whats not allowed not bias “forum leaders” and letting them edit posts is giving them way too much power

Anything goes when they’re concerned I’m afraid

I do not think that is an insult. What pronoun you use for a trans person? I used that because by the name it was not possible for me to know the gender of the participant. And chosing such a a quite funny name participants should not be surprised about sarcastic comments. :stuck_out_tongue:

I do not do much posts there at all. But I won’t put these topics on mute because of that. Makes no sense to me.

The right way would have been to make a ticket to support when you see things not allowed or not legal. I now apologize when I insulted you in any way. I did not edit your posts. I reported them for insults (Some of them not all)

Being called ‘It’ is insulting

No I wouldn’t expect you to put the topics on mute, you get off on putting negative comments in them to spoil others enjoyment.