How to handle hate speech

Your not wrong for once :rofl:

Oh thankyou pal, not sure whether to take that as a complement or an insult :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Come on now would i insult you :rofl:

Now how would you like me to answer that pal? but i will take it in the manner in which it was meant which i am sure would be a complement :+1: :laughing:

You are just being a miserable git because Aela has gone from Greyhound & Lallizi, Tod & Kellie’s place. :laughing: :laughing:

Fuck me it’s not often you’re right pal, you got it in one :rofl:The second part rather than the first although upon reflection you may be correct on all points :rofl:

Speaking of insults :thinking: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

There are exceptions pal, just a matter of working out who they are :rofl:

Gentlemen, ladies, multi-uber-a-gender holders, let me give my perception of how things are in terms of insults, moderation and so on.

You are able to shape the community by entering the discussion, providing the reactions, flagging the posts. The last is often being underused most often by community members. This function brings several very important scenarios, each of those lead to shaping the future of the community mood:

  1. You report it and it gets into mod review queue. Mod takes a look at the reports, tries to dive into the context of the discussion which lead to the post reported. Mod takes the decision on the post’s fate and author gets their fate chosen every time their posts are being reported. Sooner or later, frequently reported poster will get the penalty in any way possible with any period it applies for.
  2. You report it and it’s getting hidden automatically. This happens when there are several reports, and common reporters’ “credibility” is high enough to affect the post’s state. It also gets in the queue and mod will decide on either agree to keep post hidden, agree and restore the post (yeah, this happens too), and some other combinations, which include penalties towards the author too.

You can also ignore/mute the author. Just for your information, we get notifications when any author is being muted/ignored by quite a number of people. This is yet another indicator of unhealthy part of the community and it brings more moderator’s attention.

By the way, I, being a mod too, often look at the reactions of the post being reported. I also see how some people are inclined to report some other people, which looses some credibility points in my eyes and I’d better wait for more people to join the report(s), and it’s better be different users reporting it, cause there are groups of people “working” against other users.

Now to the part of participants and insults towards them. Whenever participant reports something, we pay a lot of attention towards it. I don’t remember any case when participants reported insults. In case they do, I most certainly will take participant’s part as they are a part of the project, they are our partners in certain ways. We will never allow anybody harm our business and those who work with us.

In the same time, I can certainly say our community has some toxic vibe inside for sure. In most cases I see it as dirty talk. I don’t want to educate people on how to speak when they behave just as they do in real life. Know your boundaries and keep out of disrupting the community. This includes сonsuming disproportionate amounts of staff time.

I still don’t believe in growing mod staff. This all can be solved if you take a better part into shaping the community outside of rant. The more human moderation you have, the more subjective the future of this place will be.

TLDR: Report posts. Ignore/Mute those who drive you mad. Don’t feed the trolls.

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One of the big problems with banter , or humour generally is that it doesn’t always translate well, particularly sarcasm, And even if it doesn’t get translated , some people speaking normally other languages to , say english, if that was how it was written , would have a different style of humour. I have been caught a couple of times by putting something that i thought was funny and someone has found it either offensive or just strange. i try to put LOL ( laugh out loud) after what i think are funny lines so no-one takes offence. I mean we all know Germans have no sense of humour - right (Lol)

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Might sound silly, but can you please explain to me how to do that. I dont know, and i couldnt find the way to do it. Thank you

The only critique I have is that it all seems to be in stealth mode as all this is done behind VHTV closed doors.

Sadly, some people will not learn until they actually see action being done and directed towards acceptable behaviour - of course, I am not talking about public flogging here, but equally, people need to know when they have overstepped the boundaries.

Go to your account, select preferences - users - and enter a username in the options provided and then save.

I have hidden the users I hide.

Thank you very much

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You can also do the same thing John by going to their profile (if not hidden, then use the method above) and using the dropdown box select the appropriate option.

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You make a valid point @WolfieSmith. One person’s banter is another person’s offensive remark. If you add in the issue of foreign languages where comments can be lost in translation, an innocent banter comment could translate to sound more offensive. Like the idea of adding LOL to the comment to show you are joking. LOL😂

Can not agree more to this. As a foreign person living in England, even now, after 12 years, i do struggle sometimes with the banter, not as much as at the beginning, when almost everything what my working colleagues been calling banter was offensive to me(more or less).

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Wow, so you must like us a little to have stayed 12yrs :+1: :laughing:
Where ru you originally from then John?

because this forum as become a kindergarten for wussies, an over 18 website forum that as the rules of a kids nusery, once over this forum used to run real smooth ,when freedom of speech was allowed , not anymore , and the answer to your question is certain jobsworths kept complaining about one of the most involved members of this forum , he posted pics and vids on all realms so those members that have difficulty getting m____r site membership still get to see the juicy parts that are not available to them through no fault of there own , its not like VHTV are making it easy for the people from poorer nations or those who have difficulty in getting credit cards , @ToreyK should be rewarded for his imput in this forum not banned , so all you soft f@=ks hope your happy with yourselves now full support needed to reinstate @ToreK

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I banned myself because I was getting flagged for telling the truth. Only doing this post because I agree - the VHTV FORUM has too many sensitive whiners. This forum is steadily dying - wonder why?

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