How to handle hate speech

That’s not the topic here my friend. :slight_smile:

i know but if someone gonna say that and they can prove their points that individual is sex predator.

i dont think its inappropriate.

everyone should be able to say what they like without anything being censored then its up to other people to correct them or put that person in their place thats freedom of speech

The trouble is that proof on a forum is subjective isn’t it. :slight_smile:

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yes but even with video and photo evidence people will still be in denial

@VHTV_James this topic was a good idea its now completely dead

exactly ! and if someone gonna r__e someone on the camera .

they wont stop just because we post on this forum whatsoever

also this whole topic wont do anything at all to them.

No I don’t think so as there are still valid points here and as long as they are on-topic then all is good.

We are trying to discuss the content of that posting, not limiting the posting itself and surely people can make a post without defamatory remarks.

obviously not

when you are seething and you would know this with your problem with @ToreyK its hard not too

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Well, I am the eternal optimist. :slight_smile:

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I have already given my valid reason for that, and personally, I haven’t an issue with him as we have spoken many times before by PM and when you speak to him he is fine. I have a problem with that type of poster who habitually uses hate speech, nothing more. Maybe we are talking more about an anger management issue here?

  1. IMO using profanities against participants/members should not be allowed when it’s used to defame or dehumanise a person. calling someone a sexual predator, whore, prostitute , d__g addict, asshole, etc… should not be tolerated in a civilised forum.

  2. Again IMO Forum Leader should be allowed to edit out the obvious insults when they see it as flagging and reporting such posts and waiting for moderators’ action may take a while which can lead to more people throwing insults at participants or each other that makes the forum toxic and unbearable for the most members.

  3. There are exceptions when it comes to freedom of speech, hate speech and defamation are the clear examples of such exceptions.

  4. Use of swear words/ foul language with intention to offend, a___e, dehumanise and defame a person.

forum leaders shouldnt even exist in the first place why should certain people have more power and privileges then everyone else do you pay extra or what?

That’s the only point I could actually agree with you today :grin:

That’s a valid point, but that’s not what we are discussing here , you can start a new topic and discuss it there.

i mean they didnt make it up right? . they speak from what they see.

if i saw a man try to r__e someone i wouldnt call them a good man.

would that consider as insulting?

it sounds to me vhtv team dont know what is the root of the problem.

Word for word I totally agree, the only thing I am slightly concerned about is there could be a possibility of a perceivable reaction from forum members thinking that leaders are for the want of a better phrase, ‘up their own arseholes’, when the reality is that all we want is a peaceful forum, at least hand on heart that is what I want.

i will just get ganged up on by forum leaders but il give it a try anyway