VHTV and the Chamber of Chatters

Ah OK, yes I see what you mean now!!! :laughing:

I think you know exactly what I’m talking about, Rob. I also think you know you just completely changed the subject.

With all respect pal you can’t just preach morality, manners and whatever else on here whilst ignoring everything else.
But you are correct in saying that myself, and i imagine anybody else on here, wouldn’t repeat what they all say on here to their faces, that goes without saying…
But then we are not in a normal personal situation here are we, we see people shoving their private parts and hands in any orifice they can manage and members pass comments favourably or unfavourably and apparently enjoy doing so.
And if you want to take it to the extreme it’s all done for money which really makes it all worse really doesn’t it?
Or perhaps you overlook that point as you enjoy watching them as well along with everybody else on here.

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She should spread her pussy a little bit. Just for diversion!

That isn’t what I did. I was referring to the forum rules, which I think still say you can’t be rude to tenants and guests.

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Forum rules get broken incessantly perhaps you hadn’t noticed.
For example posting GIF’s without any text, in fact Jabs often does this to name but one.
Members referring to some girls boobs as fried eggs to name yet another instance. etc etc
Will keep an eye out for you pal am sure you would be interested. :laughing:

i always post gifs without a comment , but hey who cares you cant get banned so thats one rule im deffo gonna fuk with

OK wrist slapped, carry on pal :+1: :laughing:

Hey @letsdothis just consider this rule then as a prime example…

Post Only Your Own Stuff

You may not post anything digital that belongs to someone else without permission. You may not post descriptions of, links to, or methods for stealing someone’s intellectual property (software, video, audio, images), or for breaking any other law.

Members are always posting links to songs, video’s, news items etc etc
This it would seem is a big rule breaker yet it/they regulary appear everywhere.
I could quote many other instances where rules are continually being flouted.

I shall be relieving all you gents of my participation for a while as a shopping trip beckons :laughing:


This 2would mean that all posts of videos, pictures in nthe discussions of the War in UKraine, as well as the Funny Joke sections would be disallowed. Most if not all these postings do not belong to memebers but are brorrowed?

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Most certainly according to the rules but then rules are made to be broken eh :laughing:
I am not complaining but it is a bit rich when a comment of mine is blown up out of all proportion and then being accused of breaking the rules when they are continually being broken everywhere :laughing:

I was just talking about you, Rob. You don’t have to break the rules. Be the example. What you’re saying is if one person jumps off a bridge, you’re going to follow right behind him.

But, it isn’t. Videos, such as YouTube, as one example, news articles, how-to stories, Reddit pictures and videos, and an infinite host of other files all across the Internet, not only want you to share their info and media, they expect you to. So much so, that they give you a Share button to help you do it.

It’s advertising for them. It gets their name out there.

And there is another thing which probably sounds strange, but is absolutely true for me. Now I am here and I use a lot of english and english expressions. So since I do that, I find it oddly a little bit difficult, at least from time to time, to translate the expressions back to proper norwegian expressions again. It demands sometimes a little bit extra cerebral thinking to get it back to fitting norwegian words again. Sounds a little strange, but sometimes very true. :heart_eyes: :hugs:

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I am not strange to have broken some of the Forum rules myself, but I have to say in my defense it has sometimes been done unintentionally from my side. I know that is probably a bad excuse. :laughing: :hugs:

I am starting to like Trisha also more and more with her clothes on. :slight_smile: I like it. :hugs:

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Yep the world is sure a fucked up place these days.

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Das sogenannte Co-parenting wird immer moderner. d.h. Frau und Mann mit Kinderwunsch (aber ohne Bindungsabsicht) zeugen ein Kind in der Regel mit der Bechermethode um dieses dann in enger Abstimmung arbeitsteilig aufzuziehen, wobei die Eltern in der Regel in getrennten Haushalten leben ohne Sexualabsichten.

Just not natural, sorry.
No wonder there are so many wayward kids these days with mental and relationship problems.