VHTV and the Chamber of Chatters

Das Gegenteil “soll” der Fall sein. Frau und Mann handeln nur im Sinne des Kindes , klare Abstimmung mit gemeinsamen Zeiten. Alles schriftlich geregelt und das Kind wächst trotzdem mit Mutter und Vater auf

You and me must be old fashion,god help the next generation

it’s true that there are no c___dren who go off the rails in traditional families brought up in the old fashioned way.

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Well when you read the posts on here it’s no wonder much of the world is in a fucked up state.
And don’t get me started on the confused trans people for gods sake.
Men can never become women and women can never become men, it’s just a biological impossibility.
The sooner these people realise that the better, just accept what you are as you will never be anything other than that.
Like the old saying goes, you can put lipstick on a pig but it’s still a pig.

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i would dearly love to get involved in this debate , but as you probably know if i do speak my mind . its odds on ill get flagged and almost certainly banned .and im not prepared to get banned just for speaking my mind ,so ill leave it to your imagination as to what i would of said :rofl:

but i will say genitalia was designed in the way it was for a reason , you cant put a vagina in a vagina just like you cant put a penis in a penis

What did Jethro call gay men marmite miners👎

You can argue as much as you like to suit your views but you won’t change the fact that man and a women is the norm, anything other than that is just a bastardised state.

The meaning of bastardized is as follows…

If something is bastardized, it has been changed in such a way that it no longer represents the values and qualities that it is intended to represent.

I like the term…shirt lifters :laughing:

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I’ve enjoyed this morning ,but as you know my wife has Alzheimer so I’ve got to go and make her dinner

Oh sorry pal i wasn’t aware of that.
Much like myself as i am main carer for my bedridden wife who was diagnosed a year ago with Ovarian cancer and is unable to feed herself but we get by with help from outside carers 4 times a day.
Head chef,head cleaner, head laundryman and head anything else you care to mention :laughing:


I know what you mean ,i do the cooking,washing and shopping. I get a cleaner and gardener once a month and as you know it b___dy hard work I don’t wish it on any one ,that’s why I go on these sites for abit of light relive ,keep tor chin up Rod👍

Forgot the shopping lol and i fucking hate shopping :laughing: but at least it gets me out and we have a great bunch of neighbours in our road who are always there if i ever need anything.
But yes it is very wearing and i get b___dy knackered but there is just no respite.
Being able to chat on here does help, as you say, to help keep you sane but is a bit of light relief.
In one form or other, i have had the role for about 6yrs but still standing :+1:


A couple of hours min off now guys as duty calls etc etc, see ya later no doubt :+1:

i even missed the shafting but i no you like to jump from topic to topic and talk hogwash so enjoy :rofl: i will just continue to appear from time to time

You carry on pal, i only saw from reading here on the forum that’s how much i watch her but may have a little look now the great event has happened. :laughing:
Well you obviously missed it f you ain’t got a subscription, goes without saying. :cry:

:rofl: thats my luck good thing ive been watching vhtv since 2019 so ive seen it many times before

Ain’t we all pal, all much the same as all the others, different faces different places :laughing:

Please don’t watch Champion league… Watch the Amazing Niki !!

Depends who scores most :laughing: