VHTV and the Chamber of Chatters

I would say it has actually been a pretty good Sunday for my own part. Nothing very special to complain about. That is a pretty good thing. :heart_eyes: :hugs:

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It’s been nice and uneventful…just as I wanted it to be! :slight_smile:

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For us elder generation one day is much the same as any other really :roll_eyes:

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For some reason or another, I can absolutely confirm that point. I judge it very much the same way. But I also want it that way. So I don`t see it as a loss. That sounds rather boring, right? :slight_smile:

No not boring at all,one of the advantages us oldies get i suppose is that there is no rushing around anymore with a more relaxed lifestyle.
As i always say what doesn’t get done today will get done tomorrow or the next day.
We can do what we want when we want to.
At least the weather changes which is nice :laughing:

Yes. Absolutely. And I want to have it exactly that way. When I was a little bit younger than I am now, I did not appriciate the same things in the same manner and in the same way as I do now. That manner and way I appriciate now. That is the beautiful difference. And I feel it is suppose to be that way. That is alright. :slight_smile:

Option 2 then, the translator was doing daft things (or had “hiccups” as I put it, in my previous comment). :slight_smile:

Yes… my Dad used to tell me to hold my breath for half an hour, whenever I had hiccups! :laughing:

My Dad had a daft sense of humour (he would admit that himself and that is obviously where I get mine) but he was a lovely man. :slight_smile:

I was told the same thing :rofl::rofl:

We can’t be brothers…surely?! :laughing:

Well we are both English :rofl::rofl:

non conoscendo l’inglese mi fido di quello che traduce deepl… :man_shrugging:


That’s fair enough. :heart:

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Well, the popular belief where i grew up was to _____ water when hiccups occured. You don’t imagine how much water i was made to _____ :joy::joy:

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Were you ever told to _____ it from the opposite side of the glass (or cup) though? Apparently THAT is also supposed to be a remedy for them. Not sure how one does that, without spilling the water though, having said that. :thinking: :confounded:

No, never heard of that possibility :slightly_smiling_face:

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I hold my breath for 15 sec. and boom they are gone

Your partner having hiccups during sex is interesting… :smile: :crazy_face:

Yes, oral activities would take on a whole new experience, wouldn’t they?! :open_mouth:

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Was thinking of the other end “clenching” actually… :wink: :rofl: