VHTV and the Chamber of Chatters

well i read it , and methinks someone as been re-incarnated :thinking: :thinking:, which makes it even more funnier , :thinking: :thinking: :rofl: :rofl:


my comments here are always deleted - beause of my pov about the ā€œparticipantsā€ and their behaviour !

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its getting more and more disgutsting !

they only block certain words like alcohoi - beeer - drunc - plus a few others

With that guy it is different. He was spewing insults and behaved like a dickā€¦


about the participants you can say whatever you wantā€¦just donā€™t use offensive words toward othersā€¦

must be in his name ( which should be a reason to block him)


Exactly naming himself like the Nazi General Hasso von Manteuf(f)el is not appropriate and should lead to his ban here. I mean nobody is allowed to name himself Putin, Shoigu or Gerasimov here as well. @kaya can you please take action here :kissing_heart:


Well, i donā€™t like to use the derogatory form but the free of complications sex worker one. Apart from this, there is nothing left to say, it quite fits the definition, isnā€™t it ?

Anyway, this wasnā€™t the main subject on his comment, it was about the girls doing it because they feel that they have to ( as a result of low employment choices). Totally wrong.

I usually do not write in that topic but I want to use the opportunity to tell my opinion.
As long as we do not know all the information about the girls on the site (Same for the guys as well) we canā€™t and should not judge about them. The motivations for them to be here might be different. Calling them names and subtle implying they are prostitutes (Yes I use that name here) is just not fair. We do not know which girl or guy is better or not. A visiting girl in Arts apartment is not better than a visiting girl in Jasons or Morganas apartment. Just to name a few examples. I call them by their name, or participants and guests. We watch here and we have no right to say we are something better and call them names. I think this does just not fit. We can make fun about them and pull their leg a bit in a respectful manner. Calling them out for what they do (Participating in the project) is for sure not right.
So letā€™s just respect the people who are here on the site and have fun. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :kissing_heart:


kind of sad that you a long standing member actually feed the trolls , ive noticed more so lately you have become combative and have little respect for anyone else on this forum , i could understand you being protective over the girls you followed over the last couple of years , infactuation is not a bad thing , but just lately you seem to thrive on trolls way of thinking , we are supposed to offer positivity in the forum , your overall outlook on vhtv as changed drastically ,


Iā€™m not sure now if youā€™re only trying to make me look bad or do believe in what youā€™re saying. If you want, we can clarify everything in private. Iā€™m always open

listen mate , i cant make you look bad ,only you can do that , now im really tired ,i think my medication is kicking in , so going to leave it here for tonight , everything is going bliurry , mind you that might be a good thing as i could call you something and blame it aoto spell :wink:


Ok, but we need to clarify this sooner or later. Saying that i feed the trolls without giving some serious examples, is not really nice

I think what he meant is that you wrote in a way saying the troll (The post of him got removed) is partially right by what he said about girls. As I said in my post above I do not think we have the right to judge them.

This can be seen as agreeing with a trollā€¦

The guy wasnā€™t a troll nor did he judge anyone. He simply wrote things without sugar coating them so no surprise his post was removed. It actually lasted too long. I donā€™t understand why calling a job as what it is, without using any derogatory form, means judging ? It is a job, nothing wrong about it. How is that trolling ? How to call it differently ?

So you say admins remove posts when they are not trolling?

I call them by their names or call them participants or guests. Why shall I care about their job or motivation to be here. I have no right to judge them on that.

Just leave it be. Watch and enjoy. Why is that so important for you?

And we all do the same. The comment was about the job itself and how to call it. I use the term sex work, because thatā€™s what it is. Nothing wrong nor judging. It is a perfectly legal work like any other work. Why is this Tabu here and how else to call it ? This is what i meant.

Looks like the site went down!


It makes you laugh, thatā€™s a good start, even if itā€™s proof of your lack of understanding. But the explanation is simple, and here it is. Why spend so much energy on such hollow and often meaningless comments when it would be wiser to simply look at the participants and keep the comments to yourself? Unless youā€™re imitating the social networks, where talking about nothing and cowardly, gratuitous insults from behind your small screen reign supremeā€¦
Letā€™s hope you at least understand this answer.