VHTV and the Chamber of Chatters

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I see too many negative discussions on this topic…I post a picture of the kitten found in the middle of a road in August…maybe it will cheer you up… :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:


Thank you Andre for brightening up the afternoon

hope the translation is correct Grazie Andre per aver rallegrato il pomeriggio


FANTASTIC :heart_eyes:


My father has passed away and I need help. I would be grateful if you could read this post (link) and share it with your friends. It is very important to me to organize a dignified funeral and memorial service for my beloved father. Thank you very much for your attention

You can help here: https://gofund.me/692929ff

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Then my simple question is for such a moral upstanding person like yourself.
What is a 70-year-old guy doing on this site paying to watch young couples have sex?


Who said I was paying for it and who says I am on this Site to watch them have sex.
But even if I was, what is wrong with a 70 year old being on this Site, to watch people have sex.
As I have said, I might be 70, but not dead from the neck downward.
I also have noooo idea what being a moral upstanding person, like myself, has to do with watching people having sex, or even having sex, as long as it is legal.
I would also say, there is a huge difference between legally watching sex and having sex, “in private surroundings” and having ones dick out for all to see, with the Girls degrading themselves to the lowest level and getting paid peanuts for it.
I would love to sit down with their Parents/Guardians an ask them what they think, from a Psychological point of view, it would be a fascinating conversation.
By the way, you do have a very strange outlook on life kid.


The same could be said of you and your judgmental geriatric view on life. :laughing: :laughing: :blush:


And you sound just as annoying. You’re obviously being a troll here if you have so much bullshit to post about someone you claim you don’t watch.


Totally off topic and does not belong here at all. This forum is not the place for any lectures.


After this 3rd diatribe of nonsense I just put him on ignore. I no longer have patience for bullshit like him anymore.


That’s not a lecture it’s
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You’re totally right but not all the people are smart enough to understand it. Some do and others don’t. That just how life is… :man_shrugging:t2:

You lot really need to learn to read comments properly.
I did not say I do not watch it, I wrote that I do not watch it for the sex.
I would also love to know how you see my comments as “trolling”.
Give me one example where my comments are not speaking the truth.
I am only annoying to the uneducated, the child, who has not grown up enough to understand me and feels inferior, the naĂŻve and the dumb.

I am not nor will I ever be one of those old fools who just moan and moan about the younger generation thinking that I am somehow superior to others just because I say so.

No, because I have a successful life here in Poland, but I can guarantee you I could find 100 who would do here in this part of the world.

Why is it my business? Why do you bother so much? Is your life really that boring that you have to belittle others.

As I said before, I could never live a life thinking I was more important than others and go on some moral crusade trying to model everyone to my own twisted set of values just because they are different to me. God forbid that I end up like you and I really pity you in your sad little existence.
Every post you have made on these forums has been criticizing others, not one positive comment has been made, so it is obvious that you have nothing else to do in your life but to troll these forums.
Anyway, I have made my point but no doubt you will come back with what you perceive is an intelligent reply, but sadly I will not be able to read it as you are muted.
Toodle pip you poor old fool.

Well good for you, I am glad for your sake that life is going well for you and that you say “no”, but sad for those 100, no matter what their situation, if they think this would be a way of life worth having.

“Why do you bother so much? Is your life really that boring that you have to belittle others”, writes the guy who is doing his best (but failing miserably) to belittle me :0)

I am also guessing you have no idea what you have really wrote and most of it has gone right over your head…“go on some moral crusade trying to model everyone to my own twisted set of values just because they are different to me”.

I don’t know kid, have you got twisted set of values? Your words, not mine.

“trying to model everyone to my own twisted set of values”, meaning YOU, given the way you have written it…really, lol,

That’s funny, how you managed to belittle yourself, is a masterstroke.

“As I said before, I could never live a life thinking I was more important than others”.


And yet there you sit, giving me a 5 minute childish rant, telling me how you are better than me…Oookies.

“Every post you have made on these forums has been criticizing others, not one positive comment has been made.”

I take it you have no idea what type of Site you are making these comments on, name me one positive thing about a Site like this and I will change my tune, but I wont hold my breath waiting for an answer on that one, because you will not find one.

I actually have not criticized one person.

I have only said it as it is and criticized the comments made to me.

Before that I was fine, lol.

All I did was make observations and speak the truth.

Lets face it, there is not one person watching this Site, with even 1 IQ point, that would want to be Henry…right, or wrong?

Not that I expect you to understand any of this, but the comments made to me deserve criticism, including this one from you.

" it is obvious that you have nothing else to do but to do in your life but to troll these forums."

Writes the guy trolling me, with his rantings…on these forums :0)

“Anyway, I have made my point but no doubt you will come back with what you perceive is an intelligent reply…”

The only point you have managed to make is show us all what an idiot you are, but hey-ho, as long as it made you happy and gave you a hardon.

As for an intelligent reply…Jeeesus kid, I have lost more IQ points over the years than you have ever had and I still have 10 times more than you.

Dear oh dear, you really should proof read what you write “before” sending it.

Now go way, your drivel has bored me enough.

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