Quo vadis VHTV in 2024?

I refuse to draw conclusions too early. Why do you ask if you already have your opinion?

Yes in the vacation apartments where the girls get rotated and are payed differently you do get shows from some of the girls but even then its mostly bates or massage shows but the couple apartments are normal because there is no incentive for them to do shows

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I don’t think VHTV should try to be like RLC regarding people and content. Because people will always choose the original over the clone.
However they can definitely take them as an example regarding the look of places and cam quality.

in my opinion this is Bulls__t, RLC has a tons of fake shows its more fake than vhtv for the eyes of viewers.

Please don’t make that to a RLC vs. VHTV topic. We already have one here. It’s about suggestions and improvements of VHTV


Yes :100: that an accurate description

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Good. Let’s get back to topic now :wink:

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This I completely agree with, VHTV have let slip from what was already pretty ok standards to what it is now

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i do understan your perverted wish for more cultural and ethnical backround.
but in my opinion this is extremely hard to achieve.
Asian ones (like who?) Japanese? imposible. They have good economy so not worth to go this way.(same with chinese).as for the rest ive been in many of them and the Religion plays a huge role you cant even get a BJ. but maybe something could happen in Thailand but again they have a very diferent stracture to enter vhtv life.
Indian well very hard religion and close minded so not gonna happen.
Black? again Religion plays a very strong role to do somthing like this. (maybe a South African could be a possibility)
USA and most of European countries again good economy to enter this route.
the only realistic possibility is Latin American.

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Yes tech is outdated by nowaday standards and also nothing new and innovative coming for a long time.


Meiner Meinung nach wird das auch nicht kommen

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i would say the way vhtv pays the participants or the managers is a huge influence on how the participants act they have to always worry about getting the most views ahead of the other apartments and a lor of the female participants have worked out how to do that with minimal effort.

Ich hab auch kaum Hoffnung dass sich was ändert

Well something has to change or they will go the same way as Voyeur-Villa. The number of VH viewings in Aug 22 was 15.6 million. In April 23 it was 7.2 million. My view is that they should be revising the Business Model, updating cams and providing even rudimentary transcripts. Also incentivising managers to source overseas locations like India. If there were transcripts, tenants would need a private space in which to conduct sensitive conversations (maybe loggia). I think VH has a future. Whether it is a healthy one or not is down to incentivising managers to make greater efforts.


Some form of translation would make all the difference in the world, even with the suggestions others have made.

The theoretical advantage to this site is that you get to know the models. But you don’t, actually, because you can’t understand them. So eventually the novelty wears off. You get a spike in interest when its a new person, then when they get a new partner, but it wears off. Check the comment patterns for my evidence.

That would allow for some variance in behavior. If Flora was really funny, for example, people would watch for her personality even if they didn’t see her tits for 5 minutes. Parties would be intriguing for a will/they wont they tension between guests. These are situations that would make this better than just 24/7 cam shows.

I personally like roommates more than couples since it increases the flow of guests, but my favorite apartment ever was a single girl (Barbara). I think groups of friends make the best watching.

Have you not seen the seemingly endless discussion when the translation messes up on the forum?

How long will that last without complaints? Arguments about hidden rooms are nothing new to this site either

My view is that the benefits would easily outweigh any potential disadvantages. I sometimes watch english transcripts of english local television at a local cafe frequented by foreign drivers. About every tenth word is obviously erroneous but it does not give rise to acrimony probably because people see it for what it is namely an aid which you can take or leave.

One point has occured to me. If as I suspect VH actively seeks to distance itself from the activities of managers for possible legal reasons this could explain why we are having this continuous discussion. What is needed perhaps is a managers forum in which (maybe even @jabbath1987?) is tasked to visit and represent the subscribers viewpoint in a private capacity if this helps. This should also include passing a wire brush over the Business Model. It can’t be that difficult to persuade disparate managers that they have a vested interest in taking account of subscribers views?
Sorry Jabs.

And you should be able to select the cameras directly in the schema instead of in the list like with RLC

Agree! I think VHTV has gradually gotten poor quality over the last year, Too many apartments, little happening, many technical errors on cameras, almost no parties or other shows, other than mostly daily stuff… I dont think its worth the money anymore.

People complain about everything though. They are also complaining about nothing changing. If you don’t like the feature, you wouldn’t have to use it.