Quo vadis VHTV in 2024?

I make this topic because I want to start a discussion about what people want to see this year and in the future.
Personally I have to say I really want something new. I don’t want to see more places opened looking all the same, many of them using even the same or similar furniture. Last year I really liked the opening of realm81 and also the re opening of realm59 as these places bring new and sometimes unexpected things. They have an outdoor area and a lot of space for parties. We need new people in new countries and finally VHTV needs to move its ass and do something against lazy and ignorant managers who for example simply refuse fixing a horrible cam setup like in realm43.
Also we can’t stick to these cameras forever. I want to see at least some apartments using newer and better quality equipment.
Of course @VHTV_James and @kaya are very welcome to join this discussion too. This should NOT be a topic to bash on VHTV but a topic to collect new ideas and voice what we don’t like and VHTV should change.


I agree 100% with everything you wrote…(especially the phrase we need new people in new countries)…


What gets me the most is when new apartments open we always get this horrible camera setup and or cameras are not positioned correctly or is ceiling cameras. More professional setup is needed and also i’m sick of the constant slipping of cameras. Not only that but sometimes when a report goes in to fix cameras iit takes ages or whatever to fix or sometimes a big deal not all the times but sometimes.

Also would be nice for other countries and new people there. Not going to even waste my breath on even mentioned having more gay participants because it’s falling on deaf ears so that’s the end of that.


Fully agree about cam setups we finally need some standards here so for example horrible setups like in realm43 and partly realm44 are no longer possible. Another example is the bathtub cam in realm40. Also horrible

About fixing cameras there needs to be a system to prevent them from being moved even they only got hit a little bit. And of course standards are needed to fix cameras within a quick time again.
Right now we are waiting for days to get the now s__tty setup after offline time in realm81 fixed.


I would like to add that I don’t understand why vhtv doesn’t use the same cams that rlc uses… which are perfect both as like audio and video and above all it’s hard for them to have problems…


I thought the apartment overseas with Viktor, Kye and Nina was refreshing and interesting. I groan when I see new apartments inhabited by middle age couples. Much of the visual interest is about vitality and energy and the young have it in abundance.
I have concerns about the Business Model as regards fines but no one seems to be listening.
Agree RLC has better cams.

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more new normal couples i am sick of all these single female clone apartments that offer nothing different. The last time a new couple joined was months ago.


Well said everybody I agree💯 but the only thing I don’t know is about the RLC cameras cause I never got on that site
I will like to see more hot female participants join the project​:pray: u can’t have to many females :wink:

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the cameras on rlc are mounted perfectly to frame the whole apartment and most importantly you don’t see wires thrown on the ground between cameras…


Got ya thanks for the explanation :hugs:

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Obviously the novelty of this whole experience has worn off for us more or less seasoned viewers. And we have lost some of them during the last year or so. Of course newer viewers will be excited, at least for a while. However, perhaps there may be need for some development of the site. The evolution of the internet is merciless.

Jabbath makes good points above, about cameras and new countries, and there’s also other good points made, especially again about cameras (adhesive tape or a glue gun???). I could elaborate more here, but I’m a little too _____ for that now :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

Personally I’m still entertained, but perhaps a little less than before. Right now I’m lucky. I can enjoy watching a girl s___ping. I’m a simple man :wink:


The reason is that the current cameras are cheap and there is no motivation for managers to invest more if VHTV doesn’t tell them to do.

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Yes this place was also quite cool but died after they relocated and suffered from technical issues all the time.

Yes less single person places and more places with more than one.

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Agree about new countries if at all possible. Would be great to see other languages spoken. In particular, English of course

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Ein interessantes Thema, aber ja du hast recht. Vht braucht frischen Wind manchmal sind es schon Kleinigkeiten die reichen. Es wird Tag zu Tag langweiliger und dass nicht seit heute .

Ich bin kein Techniker, aber es gibt bestimmt bessere Cams. Und ja bei einigen Reichen sind die Cams schlecht platziert.

Neue und bessere Möbel ? Ist bestimmt auch gut . Aber wer oder was steckt dahinter . Wer richtet die Wohnungen ein , Manager Oder Teilnehmer? Am Ende ist es wohl auch eine Sache des Geldes .

Andere Länder klingt auch gut . Andere Leute andere Sitten . Ich persönlich glaub aber dass, das Schwer zu realisieren ist .

Same story short. Sick of the single girls apartments clones. Probably, the worst idea managers had since i joined this site. There is absolutely no excitement or life at all in these apartments.

About the cameras, it was already a lot said.

Also totally agree about new countries and new cultures

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The apartments are already furnished by the landlord. Whether they are rented by the managers or the participants themselves is beyond my knowledge. But VHTV definitely has nothing to do with it.

At most, VHTV could have more influence on the managers, which better conditions must be standard for new apartment openings.

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Also I would like to see more couples on the site that will bring that fire and passion that are steady and consistency


I would like to see them out and about maybe shopping or meeting friends in the pub or beach. It would, of course, need to be discrete so that where they live could not be identified.

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