Quo vadis VHTV in 2024?

i doubt VHTV could really do much regarding the managers ,its not an easy position to fill with the right people willing and capable of achieving what we expect as to what vhtv expect . could it be we are expecting to much ? okay in the beggining it was exciting due to its more vouyeristic setup .now the participants know just how much they need to do to gain a fianacial payment , . as to what this post is about .i wouuld love to see more mature swingers age 40+ even up to 60+ apaartments


Ich sehe sehr viele gute Vorschläge und Kritiken,die Wünsche sind sehr gut.Aber ich denke solange genug Leute dafür zahlen für das wie es jetzt ist wird weder vhtv noch die Manager was ändern wollen.Wenn es so weitergeht wird es die Seite irgendwann nicht mehr geben

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I would like more male participants. But especially guys who aren’t afraid to be naked. Girls show off very easily but for guys, it’s more complicated.

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Personally I don’t watch or follow naked guys or gay apartments but if more people want it it’s fine.


Not only couples. More people. Also ne concepts of relationships like for example Elon with Sophia and Claudia.

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The problem is VHTV basically has no clue what’s happening in their places. They rely completely on managers and also don’t give any motivation to managers to try something new or different

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Not necessarily gay apartments but straight people who aren’t afraid to be naked. The few guys present on the site are rarely naked or exhibiting.

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I think they figured it out what they need to do to make a financial gain is get a woman to pose naked in front of the cameras all day with the odd shag and maybe a bit of g/g. Even some of the females in a relationship don’t want the guys name on the apartment and will do the same thing.

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I don’t mind constantly naked girls but we have too many places being basically all the same. I agree with you.

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i don’t mind people being casually naked and doing things like naked cooking its when they start sitting in unnatural positions to open up for the cams when it gets a bit silly in my opinion

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Das ist eine Weile gut,aber mit der Zeit wird das auch so Langweilig,das ich nicht mehr auf diese cams gehe

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What I like the most is when a participant wears clothes that are a little too big and certain positions reveal interesting things. I find it really a voyeur situation. Intentionally or not, I find it very exciting. (The best is when you feel like it’s involuntary)

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how can they not know @? 24/7 cctv , and 1000s of critics giving a daily report :rofl: believe me THEY KNOW ! exactly whats going on and what we think is wrong .

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I have nothing against naked girls either, but it’s become so commonplace on VHTV that it’s quite nice (at least for me) when the girls are dressed. An example that comes to mind is that I saw Ariela dancing in the kitchen in her tight jeans a few days ago. Ok, she eventually took them off, but I found it as a real change in jeans.

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I also love when they do card games like strip poker, then everyone has to play the game and take off an item of clothing if they lose. I have the impression that the participants did more of this type of game before. Or they wear original and sexy underwear. This kind of thing doesn’t happen anymore and I have the impression that everyone is a little bored.

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whats happening more so now is participants are signing up for the free appartments and bills .some are not bothererd about the cameras and can go about daily life oblivious to them yet others find it hard to adjust to them being there .perhaps if the cameras where to be disguised so there not full on in your face . yes they have to be told about them along with any guest for legal reasons ,but i think if the cameras wasnt so obvious maybe the participants and guest would chill more , its a bit like going over the speed limit on main roads you know the cameras are there and you slow down so your not noticed by them

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VHTV doesn’t know. Only the managers know. VHTV does not watch their own apartments. That’s why empty apartments only get switched offline when they get reported

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Haha I respectfully disagree here :wink::innocent:

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if thats the case .surely there must be an analist on there team that checks for dips and gains in the statistics that reports back to head office . or maybe its not the participants and guest at fault but its us for expecting to much , there is no steadfast rule that ALL participants and guest should follow a certain criteria which we expect , , and if you havent guessed yet im winding you up ,since when have you ever known me to be a comformist :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

I agree with you Jabs, like any business VH needs to evolve to survive and prosper. Technology yes, better cameras and views are needed. There are too many appts now where very little ( sexually) happens and they offer little more than naked women ( mainly ) or are used as an adjunct to camming activity with no apparent effort to engage or entertain the VH audience. I know that it is said that it is the voyeur experience we are paying for but actually I think most of us would not subscribe but for interesting and more realistic ( than normal porn ) sexual activity. I am also with those who actually prefer not to see the girls naked all the time but wearing their normal clothes.

So what to do. VH could cut back the number of appts and concentrate on those that really provide the entertainment that VH customers are looking for. Like many have said, swinging couples often provide the best interest/entertainment. Perhaps some investment in/to them to help - even funding escorts sometimes perhaps. Bringing participants together for a weekend, holding a funded party, putting together a big brother or swinging house arrangement over a weekend.

I agree with age range - older couples would be good and active lesbian and gay couples. I would love an active lesbian couple with all girl parties etc :grinning: