Quo vadis VHTV in 2024?

Dann wären es nicht einmal mehr 1/3 der Wohnungen von jetzt.Viele Manager müssten dann auch sehen wo sie bleiben

Yep! My vote is for quality over quantity and see what VH could build from there.

I totally agree with you.

Unfortunately, it seems that the direction is exactly the opposite, a lot of quantity with very little to none quality. Sadly

Da stimme ich zu 100% zu

Aber solange die meisten hier nur mit einem Körperteil denken wird sich nichts ändern

True but there is nothing to stop VH changing course - even gradually as I think we would all agree that none of this is easy for VHTV.

I’m my opinion, we need a new management in vhtv headquarters.
To me seems that routine has hit in the headquarters.
I’m saying this based on.
When did we saw last time CEO around?
What kind of places are opening?
When it’s enough of this roll of single girls?

To me seems that managers doesn’t care about vhtv
And vhtv doesn’t care about managers.
All it seems goes as autopilot. (Manager send message New apartment-this name/vhtv plugs the plug. And done)

We desperately need normal fun couples.

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lets of good suggestions but seriously do you think VHTV will listen to them .


It is not easy, off course.

There are to many apartments in the same place/cities now, all of them mostly clones.
Almost the same old people participating or visiting. They can not bring anything new or entertaining anymore. They learned “the game” and that’s what they playing

Personally, i think that starting opening apartments in new countries with people from other cultures will be a very good start. Bring some fresh air from other cultures

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Well everyone knows what happens to businesses that don’t listen to their customers! But seriously, I hope they will recognising that probably most of us realise there is no magic wand to change everything overnight even if they wanted to. It’s a gradual process and it would be good to get some feed back from @VHTV_James

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Ich glaube ehrlich gesagt nicht das VHTV das hören will

My wishes are very different, and they have already been partly touched by Mohrchi.


90% of the things you have mentioned here concern managers. If I understand the concept correctly, VHTV takes care of the stream, everything else is covered by the managers. Equipment, hiring, financial part, security etc, etc…

Replace half of them. Their work is a disaster, based on austerity, hiring shady people, coercion, manipulation, you name it.

They need to hire trustworthy managers who realise that they live off visitors and residents. Especially from them! That they are people and not dairy cattle. I will not go any further because I am risking a ban. This hole goes much deeper than that.

Take care of it and an incredible number of problems/wants/wishes will be solved.


You are correct 100%.

And yes, the hole goes much deeper than what you have mentioned there.

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Are the managers not hired/appointed by VHTV?

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Well until now none of them even commented here.

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10 characters

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So it is in their hands and perhaps they need less laissez faire and more direction!

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Exactly. They let managers do what they want and don’t care much.

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Warum wurde mein Beitrag geändert ? Nur weil ich geschrieben habe wo die meisten Reiche sind ?! Dass ist doch offensichtlich?!

Most of the apartments are snoozefest for me. I am only intersted in swingers apartments and the guys who bring hot ladies home. Period. Not interested in any of the boring couples. When was the last time we saw crazy and hot participants like Courtney, Heather, Juliet, Misty, Ana, Mira- Henry of old, Zac, Blondie, Ella-Isaac. I might have missed a few.

Harmony, Fox, Mustafa, Liya ( when they have parties) are the only apartments i watch sometimes for the unpredictability. These are my opinions regarding the content i prefer. Im sure lots of people watch other apartments too.

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