Quiz (2024-11-20) - Solved

The wizard is right, the lizard not :kissing_heart:

Merlin and Kilgharrah?

Google tells me there is an engine named Raptor, I’m guessing that’s it then?

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Nope not really.

And one called Dino

We have a winner:



Thanks, but @kaya was the one who came up with the answer so the victory belongs to her. I never would have guessed any of it without knowing I have to look for an engine named after a dinosaur or other lizard


@kaya aced it from zero to basically the solution :heart_eyes::fire:

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All the credit goes to Tony from VHTV support who is very geeky guy and likes attending quizes! For the life of me I would never know any engine :joy:


Explanation of hints:

1. Think away from animals
2. Think about a specific name
3. Both need very cold liquid oxygen to ignite (get hot)
4. Think away from living beings

I was going to guess the Rolls-Royce Merlin engine. Is that the same thing?

Nope that is an old engine used in the Spitfire fighter in WWII

I was talking about the Rocket engines.


So Tony from support earned himself some extra days now ahaha :joy::heart_eyes:


Seth Meyers Wtf GIF by Late Night with Seth Meyers

Teamplay is everything and you get 3 days of membership to relax after hard work :smirk:

And know-it-all Tony is getting a drink :dancer:


Cheers to Tony and congrats to @Whadupp6969 :heart_eyes: :tada:


Thank you @kaya and Tony of course who will hopefully enjoy his well-deserved drink :grin:


I found this thread slightly late, I hope that you don’t mind me adding this factoid. from the original Top Gun film

In early drafts of the film, the character (Tim Robbins) whose call sign is ‘Merlin’ actually had the last name of Merlin, and his call sign was ‘Wizard’ .


@jabbath1987 Sorry to put a spanner in the works (to complicate things)…

The CORRECT definition of Raptor relates to birds of prey…NOT dinosaurs and lizards AT ALL. People just like to call them ‘raptors’.

True Raptors are hawks, eagles and falcons. One might include owls in there as well but the aforementioned are the true raptors. Therefore, in fairness and in the name of accuracy, this quiz should be declared null and void.

Please note: I did not partake in this particular quiz so I have no vested interest influencing my previous remarks.


Sorry David but a Raptor is the F22 Possibly the best fighter plane built to date.


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