That’s just a manufacturing name given to it…my point still stands.
Only teasing David and I hope there is no hard feelings.
I thought the Toronto Raptors came first and everything else was named after them. The birds, the dinosaur, the engines and the city of Toronto as well.
Well I just entered raptor and dinosaur into Google and the first what shows up is a (Veloci)Raptor. I have no doubts that your definition is correct. But I think people also think of the dinosaur. Maybe even more often…
Not only is David’s definition correct (although as you wrote, we all understood raptor to refer to velociraptors and let’s not even get into how velociraptors are now usually depicted as more bird-like, or how in a certain way birds are reptiles), but coincidentally there is apparently a type of raptor (as in bird of prey) called a merlin.
I’m sure those who are native English speakers or know anything about birds knew that but I didn’t so WOW
Wow this is cool. In fact there were so many hints to the right answer given from people who did not even know they talk about it.
- @John78 talked about a dragon. The Spacecraft brought into space with the Merlin engines is called Crew Dragon
- @Starkiller asked about transport and of course the engines get used to transport things into earth orbit or to ISS
Wow, learn something every day. I would have never thought at hawks, eagles or falcons when someone was saying “raptors”. Birds of prey, yes off course, but never raptors.
if I also have an interesting question, should I create a new topic?
It was fun!
Sure. My new quiz will also be ready soon
Indeed there is! It is one of the smallest falcon species and definitely THE smallest falcon species, native to Europe (which in this case includes The United Kingdom).
No, no need for hard feelings here at all. Of course I accept that (lots of) other things share the same name.
I guess I was just trying to be ultra accurate as it’s sort of a specialist subject of mine. As a birdwatcher, I find birds of prey a particularly interesting group to observe, given the opportunity.
Not sure if it has been mentioned here by anyone (and apologies if it has and I have overlooked the relevant post) but the Spitfire has Merlin engines.
Yes I wrote that somewhere above …