Quiz (2024-11-20) - Solved

Hey folks it has been a while since the latest quiz. I try to post one new question each day and the one who gets it right will hopefully get a little reward from lovely @kaya :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Question for 2024-11-20:

I want to know what a fictional wizard and an ancient lizard have in common?

First hint:

You need to think out of the box; not literally

Second hint:

You need to think of a specific wizard and a specific ancient lizard

Third hint:

In order to “survive” both of them need to go from very cold to very hot in a short time

Fourth hint:

These are a Leopard and a Tomcat. Both of them neither purr, have fur or claws :upside_down_face:


Both are rocket engines from SpaceX



Explanation of hints:

1. Think away from animals
2. Think about a specific name
3. Both need very cold liquid oxygen to ignite (get hot)
4. Think away from living beings


everything except the first letter?

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Wait, there are non fictional wizards?! :scream:


That would be too easy…

Ahaha ask Kaya :grin::kissing_heart:

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Also, is the answer VHTV related?

No it has nothing to do with VHTV. Maybe future questions will :grin:

Then could it be Sauron and saurus like in dinosaurs? I mean I know it could be, but is it? :smile:

Well I won’t tell anything by now. But Sauron is wrong.

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Are you referring to a specific wizard and a specific kind of lizard, or just in general?

Thank God, I don’t like LOTR :sweat_smile:

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No hint by now :upside_down_face: But I do not say you are wrong

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Well, since I referred to two opposite ends of the spectrum which one am I not wrong about?

Hints will be given a bit later if nobody guesses. For now think in both directions :wink:

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You’re a lot of help.
:laughing: :laughing:


It must be the wrinkles. :crazy_face:


Close? No ahahaa :rofl:

There both mythical?

well seeing as im a thick old fuka , theres not a cat in hells chance of solving this question , so i asked my dear friend andy google and he said the answer is = they both possess **supernatural abilities and often serve as mentors, ill take my gold star and certificate now pls :rofl: :rofl:

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Ahahah Google does not know shit :rofl:


they both have beards

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