Just like Lazurus_aka_Virgil and Lee173063: You are so brainwashed you don’t even know how brainwashed you are! You are a lost cause. The liberal brainwashing and propaganda has really done a job on you. You must live a terrible life thinking there is going to be 100 million deaths. I am so glad I am not you!
no you just a dillusional fool . probably never left your little hick town , you still believe sex with your sister is okay , and spent your whole life as an under achiever , i guess that explains your facination wiith trump , you think hes the next messiah , now your going on ignore , you really are one sad little individual
What an insane rambling of words. Trump has been the first US president in my lifetime to end conflicts and I am all for not funding other nations security, I am sure France will do great with their nuclear row boat, probably as well as they did in WW2. Not sure if you are up to date on modern warfare, but America really doesn’t use armies, but we have no problem launching some drones if we see the need. Biden was president and root cause of the Ukraine War and he is to blame for its ongoing death and destruction. Finally, FUCK the WHO, what good did they do us during Covid-19… Money well saved in my opinion.
Well this is some chat, I’ve never posted before!
Just want to quickly jump in for a little clarity I guess, someone above mentioned evolution with regards to “Trans” I think it was Lucas apologies if incorrect ??
These social norms… Where do we draw the line? I don’t fear those that wish to be Trans, I fear those with a screw loose that desires to put on a dress for a day and causes harm to someone. All of this is just giving them an opportunity to make it easier, it’s all so radical and no one is thinking of the consequences!
I’m off to Mars with Musk the moment they try to say it’s a social norm, construct or whatever that a paedofile should be thought about as it’s the way they feel or whatever it is now “Little people “ something… Vile!!! However… Again due to irrational thoughts it will as you have said like Trans and Slavery evolve!
Think before Think and then Think some more is my advice, I’m off to Mars!
Reminds me: "The reason they call it the American Dream is because you have to be asleep to believe it. "
you did not read what i wrote or just pick out some lines…
nor republican nor democrats come close to my personal thoughts of how a country should be run
I don’t know about Healthcare in England, but I do know about it in the Netherlands, we had an insurance for everyone,paid from the gross salary, everyone participated and everyone received the care they needed.
Then the right-wing (republican) party came to power and came up with market forces, everything would become better and more affordable.
Now we are years later and what is the result? Everyone must buy basic insurance, which covers normal care, but which not everyone can afford, people on benefits, low wage earners, etc.
And if there is really something wrong with you, it is not insured because you should have taken out additional insurance, if you have to go to a physio every week, you have to pay for it yourself after two months.
People who don’t have that insurance don’t have the money to pay for it either.
That’s called a penalty for being sick.
For the rest I will let your comments go, there is little point in going into them, because firstly you are not open to reason and secondly you only pick out what suits you.
Jesus Christ Lennie, the list is endless
Just a reminder of the latest big lie : ending the war in Ukraine in 24 hours and now setting up a 100 days target
Because no political leader ever lies do they? You live in the UK where the leader lies to you practically every time he speaks
What has to do one with the other ?
Just as a fact, i never heard Starmer saying that he’s a Mesia sent by the God to save the country. And the list can continue all day long…
It’s not a case of I couldn’t answer it, I’m currently recovering from illness, forgive me for not putting in the effort to go find policies to cite.
An analysis text that shows what to expect in the coming period :
Elon Musk wanted to be, at the inauguration of D.J. Trump’s, as clear he could be: after moving his right arm to the chest, he made a vigorous Nazi salute. He didn’t also shout “Heil Trump!” whereas what he ultimately wants to hear is “Heil Musk!”. Maybe Vice President J.D., who once called D.J. “An American Hitler,” will.
Musk’s gesture is emblematic of what Trump, who just pardoned 1,500 accused of attacking the Capitol on Jan. 6 2021, wants to do. Among them neo-Nazi “Proud Boys” and “Oath Keepers” groups who tried to hang Republican Mike Pence and liquidate Democrat Nancy Pelosi .
A new Ribbentrop-Molotov pact with Stalin’s Russia, well, Putin, to partition Europe.
To that end, the European Union must be broken up and the countries of Europe owned piece by piece by the US, apart from the “fuck 'em!” ones to Moscow. The EU is now under attack from both East and West, a situation worse than World War II. Using his media power, Musk has unleashed action to overthrow the democratic governments in the UK and Germany and replace them with neo-fascists. France doesn’t need to be pushed, it is falling alone under the onslaught of the far right and left. Italy, Austria, Austria, Hungary, Slovakia are more or less already settled. The great attack on Brussels can begin, as Viktor Orban says.
Very dark times are ahead, this is what is coming:
Well, let’s see another very recent one:
Trump, two sentences from speech:
“I will bring jobs back to America”
Hot howls…
“From today you have TikTok back”
Same cheers.
Same cheers even though the first promise is flagrantly broken by the second sentence, which brings money and jobs to China
Hence the conclusion:
People don’t remember anything after five, let’s say ten seconds…and we should thank “TikTok” for the lost of memory
I will say this though, and forgive me for not finding sources to cite; You assumed I would support the democrats and not some other political party? I always will vote for the party who preaches love, tolerance, inclusiveness, good healthcare benefits (ideally free), the party that puts people first (**ALL PEPOLE)**not just the select members of society it deems worthy.
Now you said I cannot express negativity towards your Lord and Saviour but none of these policies sound like something he encapsulates, if he actually stood for these things then I would dislike him still as a person but support the policies at least and would likely have voted for him if it were my choice.
I find myself wondering if this is how the Germans who didn’t support the Nazi regime when it rose felt… to know we are on the precipice of evil, of knowing that at some point in the future history books will write about this period of time and judge those who supported him (although frankly I don’t ever recall too much about the common citizen who supported Hitler being punished…more to the pity)…
We very clearly have Muskrat being the Goebbels to Trumps Hitler, churning out that ol propaganda machine but on an even more grander and alarming scale with far more reach than anything they had access to in their time.
This is about as stupid as it gets, do you bother looking these things up yourself or just blindly go by what your told? He did this while saying to the crowd “my heart goes out to you.” Elon Musk has Asperger’s Syndrome(Autism), he is a bit unorthodox in his movements. Here is context for you although I doubt you brain washed fools care if you’re spreading bs.
First of all, i didn’t allow myself to call anyone here as being " a brain washed fool ". This is not acceptable and it only proves what kind of person you are.
Secondly, he clearly made the Nazi salute gesture and he’s preaching a fully Neo-Nazi agenda.
End of the story.
John78 – The liberal brainwashing is very strong that you listen to. These comments you stated are kind of idiotic. If you really believe what you stated how do you sleep at night. If any of this was true how much longer are you going to live before you are killed by the Russians?
Look, i don’t want to go around in circles, you have your views and i have mine. And no, i never voted for the left, not a single time in almost 30 years since i started voting. Always for the centre or centre-right parties and people. Basically, if i was living in America, i was a Republican party voter.
Trump has nothing to do with any of the two nor with the Republican Party. He’s a self-centred, dictator wannabe, far-right extremist who managed to take the power over the Republican Party. Every single element of the Neo-Nazism ideology is present in his speech: antisemitism, ultranationalism, racism, xenophobia, homophobia. You name it and it’s there. He was the one praising criminal dictators like Putin and Kim Jong Un
The list can go on and on…