Why can’t you tell me what they are without having to look them up. Here’s some Republican policies.
Seal the border and stop the migrant invasion
Make the U.S. the dominate energy producer
Bring back manufacturing jobs
Lower taxes
Strengthen our military
Get rid of Critical Race Theory and DEI (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion)
Keep men out of women’s sport and bathrooms
Is there anything you would disagree with? I could go on if you want me to. By the way, each item I listed the democrats are against (or just the opposite).
The debate continues……Lucas – Through all your liberal brainwashing you have had to listen to, you admitted that you would have voted for President Trump. There is hope for you! (By the way, I have been to the Netherlands many times. Your country is fantastic!)
I understand why you feel this way about President Trump. Like I have said before over 93% of what is reported about President Trump is negative. I do not expect a close minded fool who cannot think for himself would have nothing but a negative opinion about President Trump. So…fool…think for yourself instead of believing the propaganda you hear about President Trump!
Firstly these comments don’t cancel themselves out, he can still bring jobs back to America, it’s not solely based on TikTok there are so many more ways in doing that, Also just because TikTok is available again doesn’t mean it’s staying as Trump stated no deal has been agreed yet
That’s opinion not fact, nobody genuinely knows apart from Elon himself
Let’s face it though trust in politics is at a all time low regardless of who is in power in most countries
Just to run though a couple of places
There is major issues in your homeland of Romania, the place where you live the UK has issues with trust in the leader an all time low, Canada’s leader has resigned, France has major Issues
For your knowledge, the election was cancelled (and rightly so) after the Presidential Administration declassified the secrets services documents showing that a foreign country (Russia) interfered massively in the electoral process (over 50.000 of fake accounts and bots used on TikTok for promoting one of the candidates). And none of the funds used been declared as required by law. That far-right, ultranationalist, pro-russia, pro-nazis candidate declared zero funds spent. Now, compared with other countries, they did the right thing cancelling the election.
You’re talking about politics when i was talking about the economy (GDP), people’s lives, jobs and level of living
Off course that there are the dinosaurs from the communist period, the ones that had the power in the past or were at the buttons behind the scenes and they’re slowly, slowly losing it. They want to take us back to that period of time and make everything possible for it. Also some of the new generation ( TikTok), uneducated and not finding jobs nor even making the effort for doing something for their future, who (without knowing what communism means and how poor the country and people were in that period) believe in all the lies that the far right are promoting ( the west is bad, UE is stealing the resources from us, Russia is a friendly country, Putin is a great leader that cares for his country and people, we don’t want foreign companies, let’s not sell our resources) etc etc… All the nonsense possible
Lennie, i give you that you have no idea what a far right regime means. I give you that you don’t know how the life is in a illiberal regime country. I give you that you don’t know how it is to live under a dictatorship. I give you all of this. But please, don’t call me brainwashed, i lived under those regimes, you haven’t. So i’m quite sure who’s the brainwashed one between you and me.
You were saying that there are issues in Romania and i simply told you that there aren’t really. The “issues” are invented by the people who are trying to change the democratic regime, become an illiberal country, change the course from the west back to the east, basically bring back the communist period when they had the power. This is what the “issues” are
Since you have lived under a dictatorship, then you, of all people should know how brainwashing works. You have been brainwashed! You cannot deny it! Am I brainwashed about the greatness of President Trump. Yes – but I also have an open mind and he falters I will be the first one to talk about it. I never heard a single comment by a democrat/liberal about how senile Biden was. Why is that? Could it be called “brainwashing’?
Lennie, i do not care about Biden or Trump. I only care about what happens in Europe because of either of them. I don’t have something bad to say about Biden, he fully supported Ukraine and the democratic values. Not the same things can be said about Trump, he can not be trusted, almost everything he says, are lies or fantasies. Not to mention the fact that he’s supporting the illiberal regimes, he’s totally anti-democracy and has dictatorship views/speeches. Instead of uniting people, he’s promoting hate and division. I can not support such an individual, it is this simple.
All I can say you are wrong about President Trump. Let’s talk in six months and we will see who is right! If his policies have made for a better Europe than you will owe me a big apology and state I was right about President Trump. If things are worse, I will apologize to you!