President Trump

firstly lets get one thing clear, i am not as you so graciously put it , a brainwashed trump hater , i am in fact a hater of the whole American politics , not that the british politics are any better , but rest assured had there been a topic on Starmer my imput would of been alot worse and would of probably ended up by me getting banned from this forum for being to combatitive , maybe trump as some good points but lets be honest how can you trust a lying cheating crook to run the office of president , the thing i have against your presidents is the power the have to silence there critics , We all agree that putin is a despot and a tyrant , because of his idealisms , but when you have a president like you have now saying things like he does about immagrants considering hes the bastard child of an immagrant himself and someone that says he will take Greenland by force if he as to knowing its governed by another country in this case Denmark , isnt that exactly what sputin is doing right now , and you have the auacity to call me a brainwashed hater , well guess what take alook in the mirror my son your being brainwashed everyday


I am not upset. I enjoy debating brainwashed liberals. I will never change their mind no matter how many facts you provide them. The propaganda and the brainwashing liberals have heard for the last 50 years - there is not a chance in hell they will ever think for themselves! Liberals cannot tell me why they vote democrat without negatively talking about President Trump and Republicans!


ok but everyone can have their own political thought
(I also hate the president of the council of my country ITALY)
ma unfortunately was voted by the majority of my country so I can’t do anything about it (you love trump but obviously there is someone who doesn’t think like you )

You are brainwashed. Tell me examples that President Trump is a lying, cheating, crook. You can’t. Tell me how President Trump silences his critics. Have you ever watched our mainstream media or CNN or MSNBC? Like I said over 93% that is reported about President Trump is negative. How would you feel if 93% was positive?

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I know that people do not think about President Trump the way I do. What bothers me is they think I am an idiot because I agree with President Trump but they cannot tell me why I should vote for a democrat. They vote for democrats because of their hate for President Trump and Republicans not because they are for democrat policies and the democrat canidate.


im the wrong person to chat with if you think i want or need to give you explanations , ive had my say you have had yours . i dont need to listen to any news channels to sway my opinion one way or the other , ive seen enough facts to let me make my own decision . but i will finish this debacle on two words that covers the whole debate


You are so brainwashed you don’t even know how brainwashed you are!

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you would be surprised how many legal immigrants are upset about the illegal immigrants.


Not that I disagree with you but Trump really does lie a lot, I mean they all do, but he shot himself in the foot running with every conspiracy theory he heard, even though he was right on a few. Created a huge divide, but he has since reigned it in a bit which is quite helpful moving forward.

Sauf que Trump est tout sauf un dĂ©mocrate ou un rĂ©publicain. C’est une espĂšce de cerveau malade qui promet aux naĂŻf qu’ils vont revivre l’ñge d’or des usa. Ce qui bien Ă©videmment n’arrivera jamais, tout simplement parce que cela ne dĂ©pend pas de lui seul. MĂȘme le pire des dictateurs n’a jamais rĂ©ussi Ă  imposer son modĂšle de sociĂ©tĂ©. Cela c’est toujours terminĂ© ( a 100%) par un cahot et un rejet. Il n’y a aucune raison que Trump Ă©chappe Ă  cela. Dans chaque amĂ©ricain, il y a un cerveau qui pense diffĂ©remment des autres. Et aucun amĂ©ricain ne sera assez stupide pour suivre aveuglĂ©ment les dĂ©rives d’un homme de 78 ans qui change d’avis comme la mĂ©tĂ©o, sans contrĂŽle et sans modĂ©ration. Les amĂ©ricains ne sont pas plus bĂȘtes que le reste du monde, et ils vont bien finir par constater que les dĂ©cisions de Trump sont incohĂ©rentes et ne feront pas des usa un eldorado. Loin de lĂ . Il faut tout simplement attendre quelques annĂ©es et les choses reviendront dans le bon sens. Il n’est pas nĂ©cessaire d’ĂȘtre un gĂ©nie pour comprendre cela. Bien d’autres avant lui se sont agitĂ©s dans tous les sens, en hurlant des mensonges dans les micros. Cela n’en n’est pas devenu des vĂ©ritĂ©s pour autant. Chacun connaĂźt le rĂ©sultat. Il suffit de prendre le temps de lire les livres d’histoire.


He appears to be far more measured this time around and the previous administration was far more corrupt. What the Dems and Biden did pushed a lot of people to the right. I was a life long dem but a fan of what he is wanting to do and the people he is putting in place to do them. Time will tell.


Just like Lazurus_aka_Virgil: You are so brainwashed you don’t even know how brainwashed you are!

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Lennie, your brain is squeaky clean!!! Mine is not washed. It’s “soiled” by a good education and a pretty good knowledge of history & an understanding of basic economics - in spite of having grown up in a red state in the US south. “Bless your heart”, as we say down there. :wink: :wink: I’m done with this conversation.


Still bought into the Russia Collusion narrative, eh? You’re a couple of years late on that - it’s long since been proven a DNC sponsored hoax

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The USA did pretty well 4-8 years ago under Trump. The only hiccups were caused by scandals manufactured by the DNC

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The conspiracy that the FBI was spying on him? They were.
The Golden Showers dossier? Paid for by Hillary and the DNC.
The Russia Collusion narrative? Paid for by the DNC


Trump is an old pervert and a narcissist.


like I said he was right about a few.

The trumpets will bring rise to a new way of life in North America AND the world.

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Trump the weird racist doesn’t understand that some countries are his partners!! If you piss off your partners, you don’t have to be surprised if the USA is no longer first but stands alone and all the countries like South America, Africa and Europe are looking for other partners. Europe does not need the USA for its security! France has several submarines with nuclear weapons.

If the attacks against USA bases in South America, Africa and the Orient increase, he will quickly notice how quickly he will run out of army to fight the important battles in Ukraine and Israel.

The composer Trump has already sold Ukraine to Putin. Useful when you create your own coin. It is difficult to trace bribe payments.

He is leaving the WHO. How long will it take for Russian agents to spread wire in the USA? Adapted corona viruses and you can expect 100 million deaths.

Trump and Putin are the two for EVERYONE!!! make life PRICELESS.