President Trump

It happens, the left also has its own propaganda machine, but the rights propaganda machine would put Nazi Germany to shame…and make it very proud at the same time

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Worse than Manson?
Worse than John Hinkley?
Worse that Timothy McVeigh?
Worse than the Zodiac killer?

Worse than:

Pearl Harbor?
September 11th?
Galveston, Texas Hurricane?
San Francisco Earthquake?
Hurricane Maria?
Exxon Valdez Oil Spill?
Johnstown Flood?
Peshtigo Fire?
Hurricane Katrina?
Hurricane Harvey?
Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill?
Hurricane Ian?
Hurricane Irma?
Great Flood of 1862?
Hurricane Sandy?
The Great Chicago Fire?
1918 Influenza Pandemic?
1936 North American Heat Wave?
2017 Las Vegas Shooting?

YES!!! (From a 2023 poll.)

Best things to come out of America in the poll

1.Martin Luther King

2.Barack Obama

  1. Netflix

4.Hollywood movies

  1. Michael Jackson

  2. Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson

  3. The Simpsons

  4. Stephen King

Worst things to come out of America in the poll

  1. Donald Trump

  2. George W. Bush

  3. Obsession with guns

  4. The NRA

  5. The Kardashians

  6. Iraq War

  7. Kanye West

Hell naw, I would definitely put the Kardashians as 2nd place
Kris Jenner Drama GIF by Bunim/Murray Productions

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You’re forgetting my friend, he was convicted by KaNgArOo CoUrT
A Goofy Movie Reaction GIF

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Here’s a few more issues that DEMOCRATS ARE FOR:

  • Believing that the Texas governor let 2 children and the mother drown. “Border patrol was blocked” from saving them.
  • Believing the border patrol was whipping illegal aliens when on horseback.
  • Paying off student loans.
  • That it is not a problem that people do not have to pay back their student loans.
  • Believing Hillary Clinton did nothing wrong with her e-mail accounts, foundation,
  • Appointing liberal, bias, racist judges.
  • Believing it is OK that Biden says his son Beau died because of his service in Iraq.
  • At least 98% of the news media being bias for the democrats.
  • The news media providing at least 93% negative comments about President Trump.
  • Aborting/killing a child at any time during pregnancy.
  • Agreeing that it was OK for President Trump to go through the impeachment process twice resulting in President Trump being innocent on both counts.
  • Believing there is no evidence against Biden for corruption.
  • Spreading lies about George Floyd, Michael Brown (Ferguson riots), Covid Vax, President Trump,
  • Believing the Russian hoax against President Trump was true even though 45 million dollars was spent by Moeller and Andrew Weissmann and only 11 minor problems were found.
  • NBC leaving out God reference when rebroadcasting the interview CJ Stroud.
  • Letting Biden ignore supreme court ruling and cancel 74,000 student’s loans.
  • Believing inflation is down to only approximately 3% but all costs have increased under Biden. “The typical American household must spend an additional $11,434 annually just to maintain the same standard of living they enjoyed in January of 2021, right before inflation soared to 40-year highs, according to a recent analysis of government data.” (Source CBS News.)
  • Amnesty for illegal aliens.
  • Spending more money that will solve the open border crisis and it is ok to spend this money on more border security so the Government can process more illegal aliens into this country.
  • Approving the way Biden got out of Afghanistan.
  • Believing that Biden got 81,000,000 votes. Obama got 69,500,000. How can a democrat justify that Biden got 81,000,000 votes?!
  • Defund or even abolish the police.
  • Not prosecuting crimes.
  • Shop lifting up to $900.00 is okay with no penalties.
  • Lifting the sanctions that President Trump authorized against terrorist states especially Iran. Who funds Hamas, Hezbollah, etc. Iran?
  • Forgiving Biden for the 13 dead soldiers and the way he got out of Afghanistan and left $85 billion worth of military equipment behind.
  • Having President Trump pay $83 million to a woman who could not tell what day or year she was supposedly sexually ■■■■■■■■ by him.
  • Not believing Paula Jones, or Tara Reade, but democrats are for believing E. Jean Carroll.
  • Believing Biden needs “more power” to close the borders.
  • Not saying anything when Biden says his son died when serving in the middle east.
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This shit is a joke and a pack of lies, and here’s a perfect example.


These drownings occurred a couple of days after Texas took control of the park (Shelby Park, at Eagle Pass, where the drownings occurred). The state has barred Border Patrol agents from the area. Yesterday the Biden administration said Texas had until the end of the day to let their agents in. Texas did not change its policy and continues to say it has the authority here given what it calls the White House’s failures to control the border.

Now, the Justice Department says this family had already drowned when Texas National Guardsmen refused to give Border Patrol agents access to the river. The Justice Department has asked the U.S. Supreme Court to order Texas to allow Border Patrol agents back into Shelby Park, and the White House has filed several other lawsuits challenging Texas policy on the border. Latest news are Texas authorities arrested several migrants at the park last night and charged them with criminal trespassing. These are the first arrests of migrants since Texas took control of the area.

There you go again, twisting the actual facts to suit your agenda, leaving out pertinent information. You’re just like the psychopath. And while you might think that’s a compliment, I can assure you it most definitely is not.

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I have posted over 60 issues that DEMOCRATS ARE FOR and you found one issue that you disagree with? I am not going to waste my time proving that what I stated is a fact. Are there other issues that you disagree with and if so prove that I am wrong!

I made this list while Biden was in office. Imagine the list I could make now that Elon Musk is finding out how corrupt democrats are!

Here’s more issues that DEMOCRATS ARE FOR:

  • Believing that January 6th was an insurrection at the capital.
  • Believing President Trump instigated the insurrection. (How could he be part of the insurrection when there was no insurrection?)
  • Biden taking 147 days of vacation in 2023.
  • As of 2/5/2024 – per latest democrat bill 5000 illegal aliens can cross the border per day!
  • Not questioning Biden to not do a Super Bowl interview.
  • Having Biden use the Justice Department to prosecute President Trump on a number of charges so that these charges will ruin his presidential campaign.
  • Not caring that Biden does not do interviews or press conferences like all other Presidents have done.
  • Letting Sandy Berger, Hillary Clinton, and Biden get away with having classified documents in their possession and not being indicted but indicting President Trump for having classified documents.
  • Having Hillary and Gore saying the elections were stolen but President Trump cannot state the 2020 election is a fraud.
  • Letting Biden be president even though he is not mentally capable to stand trial for willfully retaining classified documents.
  • Letting Biden share classified documents with a ghost writer.
  • Finding President Trump guilty of business fraud even though not one bank came forward and said that President Trump did not pay back his loans. How can he be found guilty if there were no complaints?
  • Supporting Ukraine when there is no objective end……just keep paying for the war.
  • Looking the other way when it comes to Biden’s corruption.
  • Leaving President Trump from being put on state ballots. NOT!! SCOTUS ruled in President Trump’s favor. All states must follow!
  • Letting democrat pundits tell lies about President Trump and use propaganda to spread more lies about President Trump and republicans.
  • Having Biden close down 11 embassies – the most of any president and he did it in just 3 years.
  • Controlling thought and language.
  • Letting Biden say that inflation was at 9% when he took office (It was less than 2%.)
  • Having Trump found guilty of charges they cannot explain. (an accounting process labeling a non-disclosure payout as a legal fee resulting in a 6 week trial for that?!)(The worst and most unfair trial in American history!)
  • Costing the Government millions of dollars trying to find that Trump has done something illegal.
  • Having Trump pay 80(?) million dollars to a woman that claimed he groped her. This was supposed to have happened over 20 years ago. The woman did not even know what year it happened, (which it did not)!
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Honestly, just stop. He is far too gone to reason with. As they say, he’s drank the kool-aid. Gods I wish it was the actual Kool-aid that it refers to.

I read that list and actually facepalmed, it is genuinely crazy to think there are people like that in society, the absolute terrifying irony is he thinks we are the sheeple :face_exhaling:

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This post is for all you liberals: Please reference post number 130. I asked Lucas the following: Please explain to me why you would vote for a democrat. NOTE: When you provide this explanation you cannot negatively state anything about President Trump, Republicans, or conservatives. The explanation can only provide positive democratic policies and ideas.

This forum topic “President Trump” is now at post 493. Not one person (liberal) has given an explanation as to why they would vote for a democrat! That’s over 360 posts (majority from liberals) and no explanation! Why is that…….oh, I know, because there are no issues or policies that democrats are for that would MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!

I think (I know) I have proven my point that liberals can only state negative comments about President Trump and Republicans. Liberals (democrats) are not able to state positive policies that would be beneficial to Americans.

Lucas, Letsdothis, and all other liberals……you all must live a sad life because you all believe the lies of the liberal propaganda. You must go through life thinking that the United States is being run by a fascist and that the end of democracy in America will happen in the next few years. How sad. It must drive you liberals crazy. Do you ever smile or have fun?? How’s that Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS) working out for you?

I am very happy because President Trump is doing an exceptional job. He has done more in 30 days than Obama and Biden did during their terms in office. He is winning! I really enjoy winning. WINNING, WINNING, WINNING!! I won this “debate” on this “President Trump” Forum topic! I will never get tired winning. I have a smile on my face and I am having fun because of I know President Trump will MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!

I do feel sorry for all you liberals……and I know I have proven my point…you are all BRAINWASHED!

You just don’t get it do you? You’re not worth the effort it takes to reply to because you’re so far gone you will just dismiss or twist whatever the true facts are of the world to suit your delusional hero worship. Others have put the effort in and I’ve seen its for nought, so I’m not going to bother. Even this is getting tedious. I pity your blinkered existence.

Edit: Fixed a typo.

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You are the one that just does not get it. I have tried for a month to get an honest explanation as to why a liberal will vote for a democrat. Why is it so hard? You stated, “Others have put the effort in and I’ve seen its for nought.” What effort? The only “effort” you and other brainwashed liberals have stated are mean, negative, liberal propaganda about President Trump and Republicans. You cannot state positive policies of democrats. I have tried to be civil in this discussion by just wanting an explanation as to why democrats would vote for a democrat without being negative about President Trump and Republicans. YOU LIBERALS CANNOT GIVE ME A POSITIVE EXPLANTION! Now do you “get it”?

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You know what is a proven fact ?
When everyone around you is wrong…
nahhh forget about it… you’ll find a way of denying and refuse everything.
This is a lost cause.

Just remember one thing. there is an agenda well over your head and you are an instrument in it. You are not in the winner’s list unless you can buy your place in there. Not addressed to anyone in particular but to everyone.


You stated, “When everyone around you is wrong…” If this statement is a fact……why did President Trump win with the majority of the vote? Why did he win the House, the Senate, and all the “swing states”?
You stated, “……unless you can buy your place in there…” Speaking of buying……how about George Soros buying Government “seats” throughout this country? Do not even try to talk to me about corruption through money. I believe that you are in for a rude awakening (if it hasn’t happened already) about how corrupt the liberal democrats are when DOGE completes their audits. There will be Republicans that are corrupt but the majority of the corruption will involve Democrats! I bet I am correct.
If you are so smart and you believe all the liberal propaganda you will make a bet. Let’s say a year subscription to VHTV. The bet will be that in two years America is better off than it is today. If you agree we will come up with measurements, i.e. price of eggs, price of gas, day to day living will be lower, etc. What is that saying…put your money where your mouth is.

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