President Trump

Which part did you missed when I said forget about it ? LOL
It was obvious of you to deny all and everything.

Thank you for the compliment. Do you know why I am so smart ? it’s because I question the speech and the facts. I am not a believer. Please remark I do not think I am smarter or better… Just so smart :slight_smile: .

I am not a gambler by nature and especially when the prize is not that appealing. It is true that I am a paying member at the moment. I wanted to see what was behind the curtains. Isn’t it a voyeur thing ? Unfortunately I found out that most of the content doesn’t fit my palette. Couch potatoes properly positioned to get a remote proctologist examination while waiting for the result to appear on their phone’s screen OR business porn partys with a limited crew going from one place to the other again and again.
When crunchy things happen they just disappear (very clean sweep) and nobody can ever talk about them. OOPS I may have triggered some feelings here…

In the mean time I am wondering where you got the information that I am on the democrat side. Please state this fact as I can’t recall ever mentioning which party I lean for. (You probably already know I am not a US citizen).

One thing I have mentioned clearly is the fact I don’t like trump. We can’t argue on the fact that not everyone will like everyone and there are plenty of reasons where we diverge on this point and I am OK with this. I also mentioned many times that I try as much as possible to have an open mind.

What about having an open mind conversation on a single subject at a time ?
I am sorry but every time you flood your comments with dozens of points you are not helping me to be interested in your speech. Perhaps a single subject with free opinions and traceable facts will be a good starting point to try understanding each other. What do you think ? Remember that being open minded means that you may have to admit that you are wrong sometime. Same for me but I already prove that I can do it earlier.

If interested, May I ask the first question ? You can reject this question and ask yours also. We will start from there. I intend to keep my answers as short as possible with my free opinion and try to bring clear facts.

What is purpose of the visit in Saudi Arabia?

President Trump hates wars. He wants to end the Ukraine-Russia war. Senior officials from Russia and the U.S. met in Saudi Arabia Tuesday to begin talks on improving ties and negotiating an end to the war in Ukraine. It’s a start! You have to start someplace!

My single subject question to you. Why do you dislike President Trump? I know why……over 93% of what the world is told about him is negative. Liberal propaganda has called him Hitler, a Fascist, a Nazi, a threat to democracy, etc. No wonder you do not like him! Please do not believe the liberal lies about President Trump. Whatever they say just believe the opposite and you may have a different opinion of him.

You stated, “Perhaps a single subject with free opinions and traceable facts will be a good starting point to try understanding each other.” I got involved with this thread/topic because I honestly wanted to know why would a person vote for a democrat without saying anything negative about President Trump and Republicans. I’m trying to get an explanation why a person would vote for a democrat. I have not received an explanation.

Your turn. Ask me another question.

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Fairly sure that is the second or third blunder I’ve heard them make already and having to try to rehire the staff they fired.

Kinda funny that he promised lower egg prices and one of the contributing factors to its higher price point is a bird flu outbreak and he ends up firing the staff who are trying to manage it. What a monumental moronic assclown :rofl:

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This is hilarious. The comments are good too.


Thanks to @Lukas156546 for the original.

Thanks to @Lukas156546 for the original.

Thanks to @Lukas156546 for the original.

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Thanks to @Lukas156546 for the original.

And my personal favorite.

Thanks to @Lukas156546 for the original.

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Please excuse the delay, I have been busy lately. If you are not in a hurry, we can keep going.

Why I don’t like trump ?
He admit himself that he was a case when he was a teenager. He is an arrogant bully.
there are many type of person and there are many ways to get rich and powerful and his ways are not respectables for me. Let me explain.

Bill Gates built a fortune working his way to become a leader in the software domain. They developed, improved and refined their software to stay on top of others. Yes they had a monopole but the product was there and legit.

Warren Buffett built his fortune investing in companies. He was attracted to companies on the down slope and inexpensive. He brought back those companies to life and made them lucrative over time.

Mitt Romney built his fortune investing in companies. Similar to Warren Buffett he was attracted to companies in the down slope but his objectives were different. He did not care about the employees. the restructuration was made in firing employees and in dismantling them to sell the assets to the competitors. the objectives were only profits.

donald j trump built his fortune as a businessman. he is the kind of negotiator that won’t settle for a win-win situation. He has to fight to be the winner. he need his opponent to lose. He sees only opponent and no Strategic Alliance Partnership is possible.
I did not watch the movie but I saw the preview and to my opinion the rules depicted him perfectly.
Rule #1: Attack, Attack, Attack
Rule #2: Admit nothing, deny everything
Rule #3: No matter what happen, you claim victory and never admit defeat.

#1) How many years he kept attacking Obama about his place of birth ? He knew he was legit but he had something against this guy and he made everything to destroy him.

#2) He refused to release his tax returns like others did since Nixon. Denying to admit whatever he wanted to hide.

#3) when he faced multiple bankruptcies due to financial mismanagement he called them a “tremendous success” and insisted he used “strategic bankruptcy” to his advantage. Thousands of jobs were lost, and investors lost millions.
His fortune was built over those strategic bankruptcies. he only made money in a way others had to lose.

when I look at him I see a men that has no limit when it come time to obtain what he want. he has no respect, he is arrogant, agressive, provocative and will not hesitate to intimidate or attack you in public to humiliate you.
Unfortunately, what he want he want it for himself and nobody else. Although he will promise the moon to everybody he knows there is only one moon and he is the one who will have it. He never did nothing for anybody but himself.
If you want to oppose to him he will destruct you any way he can. like firing thousands of federal employees doing their jobs. he do not accept defeat. everyone is bad but him. He don’t like nobody and this is why I don’t like him.

I would like to know why you like him yourself

Before President Trump came down the escalator to announce he was running for president, he was liked by almost all people. Since that day he has had over 93% negative news coverage about him. In other words, the American press and liberal propaganda have tried to ruin him. I admit that this propaganda has worked on, my guess, at least 40% of the American people, you included. I understand that because of the liberal propaganda a lot of people do not like him, you included. How would you feel about him if 93% of what is reported about him would have been positive? Think about it! (Over 95% of what has been reported on Kamala has been positive. How would you think of her if over 93% was negative? Think about that!)
Nice try about including Buffett and Romney as great business people. Look up how many companies have gone bankrupt that they have invested in! (Typical liberal propaganda that does not tell all the truth about these 2guys.)
I like everything about President Trump. He is a great man! I have trust in him. He will Make America Great Again. He makes America first on all his decisions. He is going to drain the swamp (this is the real reason why he is hated so much!) – he will show how corrupt politicians are, both democrats and republicans.
I could go on and on why I like President Trump but why would I do that? I would not change your mind or any liberal’s mind and attitude about President Trump. It is useless because you all have been brainwashed by liberal propaganda and you cannot think for yourselves! Take Lucas for example. There is nothing I could say or provide him with facts that would change his mind about President Trump and Republicans. Nothing! He is brainwashed with liberal propaganda. I feel sorry for him and you and all liberals because you cannot think for yourself and can only spew liberal propaganda! Your post proves my point!..Nice Try!

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All right, I was under the impression we could have an open mind conversation but you are not opening yourself. You are coming at me calling me liberal as if you know which side I am. big mistake. I never said which side I am. I only said that I don’t like trump. I answered your question without pointing anything at you. You don’t want to answer my question because you won’t change my mind. This is not an open conversation if your goal is to change my mind.
Sorry but this conversation is over.

Now let me say something that would blow your mind (A not so impressive feat I’m sure)

Have you ever considered the fact that the news is so negative about Trump because he is an absolute bona fide Grade A Premium Cuntwaffle of the highest order? That he’s about as much of a “genius” as a brain damaged Alsatian? He is nothing more than a conman and to be honest given the previous statements it doesn’t say much for the collective intelligence of the people he’s managed to beguile.

Now all the positive media about Kamala, and this is the difficult part that you will never be able to comprehend, do you think that this could POSSIBLY be because she is actually a nice person and deserving of the praise that was heaped upon her?

You know what, if the difference in politics was simply about how commerce was conducted it would be a lot easier to get points across but it has been proven time and time again that it goes far beyond that, it’s about intolerance.

Trump supporters are largely racist, transphobic, homophobic, sexist or otherwise discriminatory, they fit mostly into the uneducated white male of boomer age category which by no means is no coincidence that these are the viewpoints of his votership and they happened to be more commonplace and accepted in society back when they were younger.

And as soon as ANY side starts preaching intolerance, starts imposing sanctions on minorities, starts casting blame on minorities for things that have NOTHING to do with them, that side is WRONG.

When all people want to do is live their lives, love who they want and hurt nobody, it is nobodies goddamn business to interfere, preach or otherwise judge them for their choices.

So you are wrong, you will always be wrong. It is not even a difference of opinion. You are 100% unequivocally ethically wrong and THAT is why it is so abhorrent to the rest of us that you constantly praise that vile pathetic excuse for a human.

Reply was to wrong person.