President Trump

ehh, not sure there be much of a fight there, but we did get Mexico to increase border patrol without the tariffs going into place.


Lucas and Samson……do you guys get the “President Trump” VHTV Forum Thread? It has been deleted from my VHTV Forum topics. Just wondering if it’s me or it’s been deleted from all viewer topics.

That’s not a war.

Also, just wanted to say Lukas is a very smart knowledgeable person who is most always correct. I don’t want my comment above taken out of context to come across as insulting, rude, combative, threatening, or any other thing that may get my account flagged, or violate the TOS on the forum with categories such as:

Ladies Buttholes, Hot female and male participants taking a shower/bath, Best boobs of VHTV, Peeing Girls, Cum Filled Rubbers, and Pooping Girls.

Clearly we are all adults here, and words can hurt. If anything in my post offended anybody, please let me know before reporting me to the forum police. I will try to be a better person. Thank you for your cooperation and understanding.

Donald Trump GIF by Election 2016

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I can only find it by clicking on old notifications. Seems purged from the forum, but available if you have the link

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So, when the psychopath takes someone to court, that’s perfectly fine, but when someone takes him to court and legitimately charges him with criminal conduct, then it’s a kangaroo court. I see how you work, Lennie’s truth.

If you don’t know what crimes he committed, then you’re just deliberately not paying attention.

If that’s how you justify the psychopath cheating on his wives, then your and the psychopath’s moral compasses are, as someone else said, well and truly broken beyond repair. There is no hope for people like you.

I could tell you thousands, but why would I? You would just find some excuse to refute them all as if what I said wasn’t true because there is only one truth and that’s Lennie’s truth. (Just in case it wasn’t clearly apparent, that was pure sarcasm.)

I knew you’d say something like that. This was from the judge who tried the case. I think he would know.

Yes, he is a rapist

I could very easily tell you why he is a psychopath, but as I said before I refuse to because you would just disagree with it. Then, because you’re so brainwashed by the psychopath and his cult of MAGAts, you would just call me brainwashed and unable to think for myself, etc., etc.

You’re like a broken record. There is no truth, except Lennie’s truth. As someone else said, it’s like trying to talk to a fence post.

No, but I’m sure they believe how brainwashed you are.

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As per usual, you’ve conveniently left out the most pertinent information because it doesn’t suit Lennie’s truth. The top 50% of taxpayers paid the most tax because they made the most money.

And BTW, 97% + 3.7% equals more than 100%??? The bottom 50% of taxpayers only paid 3% of the tax.

And the reason for that is due solely to the fact that the top 50% of taxpayers made 88.5% of the income (AGI), while the bottom 50% of taxpayers only made 11.5% of the income (AGI).

Now, there’s a much clearer, and infinitely more accurate picture of the situation. And, just to make it a little more clear.

No, that isn’t actually true. You said.

In the first sentence, “moderator” refers directly to Kaya, since she’s who you replied to. And, according to the rules of the written English language, the second sentence refers back to the first sentence, in this case.

So, when you refer to the left being childish, that connects back to “moderator” in the first sentence. You’re saying Kaya is the left and is childish. And, even without knowing the rules, any reasonably intelligent person reading those sentences would clearly understand that you’re calling Kaya childish.

What is actually funny is I’m not entirely sure anyone reported them, I get the feeling (of course it doesn’t need to be confirmed nor denied unless they personally wish) that Kaya actually just moderated them of their own free will when reading the comments, I for one certainly didn’t report them as I haven’t felt they’ve crossed any particular line (no slurs for example).

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And yes, Kaya unlisted the topic so it isn’t publicly listed anymore so it wouldn’t appear on any forum lists, you just have to have the thread itself either bookmarked, pull up from history or as previously mentioned, just click a notification you’ve had for the thread.

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I’m referring to the childish left flagging a post for words. read the entire comment. Sorry it wasn’t more clear. Should have written:

Personally, as an adult, don’t feel the need to tattle on people for words in an online forum on an adult voyeur website, I forgot how soft and childish the left can be, things like this are the proof… however I’d figure a moderator would read the thread for context before banning somebody for a petty insult.

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If that’s the case, Kaya should have read back a little further before deciding who is getting flagged and for what, or just kill the entire thread (like has since been done).

How do you miss this from a few comments before
Sincerely, go fuck yourself and I hope you drop dead and take your gene pool with you on the way out.


She has since moderated that comment and removed it FYI since you brought it to her attention (who is the tattle tale now? :wink: ) But just because I said that doesn’t give you free reign under the rules to say whatever you want in response or later on, just like under the rules I had no right to say it either :man_shrugging: . But unlike you I’m not a whiney bitch and will take the punishment I am due, I take responsibility for my actions and the consequences that follow, unlike your Lord and Saviour Trump

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yeah i brough it up after my ban to point out the idiocrasy of a ban for calling somebody a dhead when somebody literally wished death. I wouldn’t expect you to get it.

Where did I say I had free reign? god you’re a clown. Is it against the rules to tell you to eat a dick? I’m not telling you to, I’m just asking.

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Not in either of the two posts I referred to.

You know I read the entire comment, that’s why I posted what I said. I actually read both comments completely.

If you had written it that way, it still would have referred to Kaya as being the left, and therefore childish, because she is who you replied to.

In order to make it what you think you wrote, you would have needed to explicitly exclude Kaya from the group when you mentioned the left.

You know, as long as you and those like you continue to erroneously point the finger at the left, you and those like you will always be the problem. You do realize that every accusation is a confession.

I hope you also realize by now that what the psychopath is doing, or at least trying to do, is going to disrupt your life as much as it will every other Americans’ life. There won’t be one set of prices for the right and another for the left. You do realize that, right?

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I would be VERY careful using that site my Trump-loving friend, you would have a shock at the amount of shit they call him out on :rofl:

You’ll end up saying the site is leftist woke nonsense I am sure, which means your previous link is invalid :scream::scream:

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so the site is legit you’re saying, and Mr IStandWithUkraine posted a debunked rumor? Thanks for confirming!