President Trump

If its a female pilot, then it fits within the DEI Narrative and its been said the black hawk was 100ft over allowed altitude and off course.

So I was banned from forum, sorry didn’t mean to hurt anybody’s feelings after being called a Hitler supporter, a f**king clown, and quoting others,

Sincerely, go fuck yourself and I hope you drop dead and take your gene pool with you on the way out.

and (their misspellings, not mine)

no you just a dillusional fool . probably never left your little hick town , you still believe sex with your sister is okay , and spent your whole life as an under achiever , i guess that explains your facination wiith trump , you think hes the next messiah , now your going on ignore , you really are one sad little individual

This guy is saying someone believes in sex with his sister (with no relevance to conversation), but calling someone a Dhead gets me a ban? Can an admin explain this to me?

You can flag their posts and it will reflect into penalty as well. That doesn’t allow you to break the rules. Please make sure this doesn’t happen anymore.

As for the sister issue, he never mentioned it’s about you having sex with her. It’s honestly strange that you would you even think of it this way…


That’s fine and I apologize for what I said, after reading the rest of the thread it seemed pretty minor is all I meant.

He mentioned it to somebody else, as I stated when i said “quoting others”, and i also said “saying someone believes in sex with his sister” (the someone being who he was replying to).

I think its more strange for someone to bring it up out of the blue to another member and don’t think anyone on this forum should have much of an opinion on what’s weird or not here. There are threads such as “ladies buttholes” and “girls pooping”. I think its fair to say everyone here is a little weird.

It’s honestly strange that you would you even think of it this way…

I didn’t ask you opinion, as a mod maybe you shouldn’t offer one, especially when you’re misunderstanding what I said.


Not true. You actually asked and there it is.

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My dear there is no point in trying to reason with them using logic, they operate on an entirely different wavelength, have you tried interspersing your replies with wild unfounded claims about minorities? It might get through to them then

This guy is saying someone believes in sex with his sister (with no relevance to conversation), but calling someone a Dhead gets me a ban? Can an admin explain this to me?

Would be a fair point, but I asked your opinion on why calling somebody a dhead was a violation, but not

Sincerely, go fuck yourself and I hope you drop dead and take your gene pool with you on the way out.


no you just a dillusional fool . probably never left your little hick town , you still believe sex with your sister is okay , and spent your whole life as an under achiever , i guess that explains your facination wiith trump , you think hes the next messiah , now your going on ignore , you really are one sad little individual

All you choose to address was the sister comment, and you felt the need to add your snide remark and imply I thought it was about me. That was your interpretation, not mine. Real professional for a mod. Weird only the right gets treated like crap here.

Ill keep my $40 a month going forward. Thanks for your “help”

Lucas, you are the best. I agree with everything you say. I am so sorry for having an opinion. Clearly, you opinions are better than the rest of us. You take care little buddy

I’m glad you’ve come around to my line of thinking, life will be so much better for you and those around you.
Dog Smile GIF

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If it means one less Trump supporter, I’ll take up being a subscriber again per month
Donald Trump Lol GIF by Election 2020

Well I fully answered your question, you just ignore my reply

Personally, as an adult, don’t feel the need to tattle on people for words in an online forum on an adult voyeur website, however I’d figure a moderator would read the thread for context before banning somebody for a petty insult. I forgot how soft and childish the left can be, things like this are the proof…

And do you still not want to address your smart ass comment that you interpreted wrong? Cool


What’s the context in calling someone dickhead?

I personally identify as right. I also said I don’t have a big problem with Trump earlier, so idk what’s the point there

Again, I don’t see how else it’s the issue until you misinterprete it

I personally wouldn’t be rude towards mod but that’s on you

Also, to extend the ban question, we usually don’t issue bans immediately. However, you have already got deleted comment without a suspension earlier - funny part is you were instulting the same user, but got away with it. And now you are offended by the fact you can’t do it repeatedly?

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What’s the context in calling someone dickhead?

This is the issue, you think I’m talking about YOU when I mentioned being childish, I’m talking about the snowflakes who reported it. What was said by that user in the previous couple posts before my reply calling them a dhead? I know i just said it out of nowhere unprovoked right? +

see above, what did they say to me prior?

So to be clear, suggesting somebody has an incestuous relationship with their sister is ok (weather said to me or somebody else as in this case), but calling that person a dhead is not.

You are really not grasping the context here. I am referring to people who report somebody for calling them a dhead is childish. Only "personal’ problem I have/had with you, is your snide remark, and why a moderator wouldn’t read through the provoked replies that made me decide to call that user a dhead. I know English isn’t everyone’s first language so maybe we’re missing a little bit of communication along the way.

As far as what comment “i got away with” i have no idea what you’re referring to. I didn’t get a notification of any violation other than the account on temporary hold so I’m unsure what comment you are talking about.

funny part is you were instulting the same user, but got away with it. And now you are offended by the fact you can’t do it repeatedly?

And another snide reply. If someone doesn’t get a notification about a deleted comment, how the heck would I know. I’m not offended by anything other than your crappy attitude.

Take care

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Braxton – Have you noticed I do not comment much on this thread anymore. I had one of my posts deleted because I guess I called someone a name (Moron). Look at the names I have been called since I started posting on this thread……in-bred. a fascist, a Nazi, a minor, an AI BOT, small in mind (like the character Lennie in “Of Mice and Men”) and I am sure there were a few more. Also, all the names the liberals on this thread have called President Trump is ridiculous. The liberals have called President Trump, (are you ready?): an evil, psychopathic, moron, despicable excuse for a human being to ever walk the planet and a racist, rapist, homophobic, xenophobic, transphobic, criminal, orange shit slime. I cannot call someone a moron but liberals can be crude, obscene, indecent, vulgar to me and President Trump and all is OK. I consider when the liberals call President Trump all those names I take offense because that’s what they are basically calling me (and you, and Parley and any other conservative). But that’s OK……right Kaya? I think liberals revert to calling conservatives names because they have no facts to back up their liberal ideology brainwashing)! VHTV has taken “President Trump” off my list of VHTV Forum Tags (can they do that……Kaya?) I agree with everything you have said in your posts. I do feel sorry for the Karen’s that cannot have a conservation without turning us in for a VHTV violation. This is a Forum on a porn site? WTF?

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Still haven’t been able to tell you why dems are better without mentioning trump i noticed :rofl:

Seems the thread is a ghost, its not in the topics any more that I see.

At least 1 person on this site “gets it” :beers:

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Have fun with your tariffs my American friends, shits gunna get more expensive.

From when Trump last imposed tariffs
Smirk Grinning GIF by Sealed With A GIF

lol, even if prices increase, still a lower cost than most nations, but we do appreciate your concern.


Keep huffing that copium bruddah

Trump ends wars, he does not start them…

yeah right