I’m not sure if English is your first language but " others" clearly refers to ‘reasons’ not other people. As you like transposing and ‘assuming’ to suit your whims, further debate with you is pointless.
Correct the grifter is grifting bibles, shot glasses, coins, and cyber money he wants the treasury to back. How many bankruptcies has he has and how many ordinary people has he bankrupt. How many cities does he own money to from his 1st run added to the ones he owns money to the second run. I could go on but hell let us just wait and watch as he runs our economy into the ground with old Mega Mike worshiping the ground he shits on.
Why do you think President Trump and Republicans do not believe in:
- Freedom of religion. Please explain.
- Separation of Church and State. Please explain.
- Science and Education. Please explain.
- The Constitution. The Constitution is a document that should have the same view (interpretation) whether you are a democrat or a republican. I do not understand what “a liberal view of the Constitution” is?
We have Obamacare. I thought that was suppose solve our healthcare problems in the U.S. How much do you pay for Obamacare? I bet your healthcare cost was a lot less as a percentage of your income before Obamacare! Do you expect the U.S. to have free healthcare? How can the U.S. afford to pay medical costs for 335 million people?
You are a perfect example of being brainwashed. You say these negative issues about President Trump (which are false) but I am sure you think Biden, Obama, and Clinton all got rich legally! Give me a f’ing break!
He ends war… the best jokes of the week. Though… I don’t feel like laughing.
I just hope for you that you were joking.
Trump directly challenges the Constitution on Day 1
First he said FU to 75% of his Own citizen.
- Deportation operation targeting undocumented migrants.
- End birthright citizenship.
- Abolish Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) programs in federal institutions.
- Restrict LGBTQ+ rights, particularly by limiting recognition of gender identities.
- Oppose late-term abortions and support states’ rights to regulate abortion.
- Eliminate the Department of Education
- Cut federal money to schools that push “critical race theory, transgender insanity and other inappropriate racial, sexual, or political content onto the shoulders of our children.” Also cut money to any schools that have a vaccine or mask mandate.
- Repeal the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare)
- Increase presidential powers, including greater control over federal spending and potentially altering the independence of the Federal Reserve.
- Replace thousands of federal employees with loyalists to align the federal administration with his political vision.
Then He proceed with the world:
- Possible use of military to gain control of Panama Canal.
- Possible use of military to gain control of Greenland.
- Impose a 10% tariff on all imports, with rates reaching up to 60% for Chinese products, to protect domestic industries.
- Impose a 25% tariff on all imports from Canada
- Impose a 25% tariff on all imports From Mexico
- Withdrawal of the United States from the World Health Organization (WHO).
- Withdraw the U.S. from the Paris Agreement on climate change.
- End the conflict between Russia and Ukraine.
- Strengthen and modernize the U.S. military while adopting a protectionist economic stance.
- Criticize NATO and support certain authoritarian leaders.
- Commitments to reevaluate traditional alliances, particularly with NATO, and to adopt a more unilateral approach to international affairs.
I think that some US Citizen approves all this while some others don’t. This is the speech of a dictator and while you may encourage this, I invite you to take a look at all the countries that are under the doctrine of dictature. You better be way way up in the society to start appreciating this and even… you better be very well protected by the few to somewhat like it. And… never trust nobody.
I predict a civil war before long. Us Citizens are way way to far to the left and the right to be able to communicate clearly anymore. They have to shout and scream at each others.
I admit – the liberals know how to brainwash a lot of citizens of the U.S. Now they are predicting we will have a civil war! Unbelievable! I approve everything President Trump wants to do. (You provided a great list on what he wants to do. Thank you!) Oh yeah……I am joined by 77.3 million Americans (the majority vote of our recent election) that agree with me! Get rid of the liberal brainwashing/propaganda and our country would be great again! I have a suggestion. Be open minded on what he is doing. Sit back, pop some popcorn and enjoy how President Trump will MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!
More thoughts on your comment:
- What makes you think he will not end the wars?
- How did President Trump directly challenge the constitution on day 1?
- I would love to see your response backed by facts on how President Trump said FU to 75% of U.S. citizens?
- I also would like to see facts on President Trump being a “dictator”.
- Why do you predict we are heading towards a civil war! Is this based on facts or is it just your opinion?
Again – Thank You for listing some the issues President Trump wants to deal with (along with 77.3 million Americans)!
The issue with freedom of religion stems from many Republicans, with support from Trump, saying this nation was founded solely on Christianity, and trying to mandate that the US should have a designated religion (Christianity). This not made up by the news or media, many Republicans want that. The separation of church and state is similar. Republican officials passing laws to require government funded schools to display the 10 Commandments, an llimiting acces in those public schools to the teachings of other religions. I do not agree with either. I agree the Constituion should be the same for everyone, however it is in the way it is interpreted, and to be honest, both parties interpret it in their own way, so neither Repblican or Democrat is correct. I tend to be more flexible in the interpretations of a document created for a society 200 years ago.
Article 14 of your constitution is in relation to birthright I am sure, from what I’ve seen at a glance.
Cheap eggs and gas only in the MAGAT wettest dreams. Not only this, but the red caps are going to lose the only healthcare they can afford.
Je vois que Lénnie est bien imbibé des idées de Trump. En lisant le catalogue des mesures que Trump va « peut-être » mettre en place, je reste convaincu que 75% des mesures ne seront pas réalisées, tout simplement parce cela ne dépend pas de Trump. POUR INFORMATION, TRUMP N’EST PAS LE PRÉSIDENT DU MONDE. Les usa ne sont pas l’usine du monde, très loin de là. Seulement il crie très fort des bêtises dans les micros, qui n’en font pas des vérités. Il va gueuler qu’il a arrêté plein de choses, qui en fait ne seront pas du tout arrêté. Il va gueuler très fort dans un micro qui a re-industriellisé l’Amérique ce qui bien sûr sera totalement faut. Il aura sans aucun doute recréer des emplois aux usa, ce sera sans doute vrai, mais JAMAIS les usa seront l’usine du monde et surtout ne seront toujours à la pointe des innovations. Le reste du monde n’est pas plus bête que les américains. Et il travail aussi. La grande réussite des américains, c’est l’innovation dans les secteurs informatiques, notamment, les Hub data et de concentration des donnés. Mais les américains oublient tout simplement que le reste du monde peut crée le même genre de centre de données informatiques et se passer des usa. Microsoft a déjà perdu son monopole en Europe et ce n’est qu’un début. Avec la guerre de l’Ukraine, les européens, les chinois et les indiens ont compris qu’ils ne devraient plus dépendre des usa. Le monde est entrain de changer et ce n’est, bien évidemment pas Trump qui va imposer ses choix au monde entier. Le dollar fort repose sur un commerce équilibré, qui peut très bien, en quelques années basculer. Ça s’est déjà vu dans le passé. La seule qualité de Trump, c’est de dire haut et fort ce qui ne marche pas au usa. Pour autant, casser le jouet n’apporte aucune solution. Dans 2 ans ont en reparlera. La politique américaine n’est pas très stable. C’est le système qui veut ça. Donc l’intelligence vaut un peut de retenue et moins d’affirmations.
Ne jamais oublier que ces ennemis sont toujours des gens proches. Des gens a qui l’ont fait très confiance. Comme tout un chacun, il sera trahi. C’est la vie
Redonner sa grandeur à l’Amérique ça ne veut strictement rien dire, c’est vent.
(Sorry about this long comment)
Let’s talk about your comment.
You stated, “….this nation was founded solely on Christianity.” What other religions were there the this nation was founded on?
You stated, “US should have a designated religion (Christianity)”, For years some republicans want this. Has it happened yet? That’s like saying democrats want women to be able to have full term abortions! Opps! I’m sorry. In some states this is a fact. Let’s try another issue. Some demcrats want open borders. Opps! We have had open borders for years. Let’s try another. Sorry – I cannot think of anything that democrats would like to do but have not done yet. I do have 91 issues that democrats are for. Here’s ten of them:
- They tried doing everything they could to get rid of President Trump. Moeller report, impeachments, fraudulent election, indictments, trials, 93% negative comments by the press, costing President Trump millions of dollars in lawyer fees, etc.
- Letting the CIA Contractors collude with the Biden campaign to discredit Hunter Biden’s laptop story just before the election.
- Having the mainstream media not report truthfully to the American people when Biden lies. (Which is all the time!)
- Agreeing with Robert Hur’s report that, “Based on our direct interactions with and observations of him, he is someone for whom many jurors will want to identify reasonable doubt. It would be difficult to convince a jury that they should convict him – by then a former president well into his eighties – of a serious felony that requires a mental state of willfulness.” (He does not have the mental state to be tried but Trump spent over 6 weeks in court with no problem.)
- Having the mainstream media brainwash American citizens that Democratic policies are best for the country and not telling the American people the success of President Trump and Republican policies.
- Believing that Biden got 81,300,000. (Do you really believe he got 81 million votes? Obama got 65,900,000. Do you really think Biden, campaigning from his basement got 15,400,000 more votes than Obama? Do you really think Biden got 7,400,000 more votes than Trump (total 74,000,000)? Do you really think over 7,000,000 people voted for Biden because they hated Trump? Come on, man?) (Let’s talk voter turnout: Since 1980 the number of Americans eligible to vote has average 53%. In 2020 the percent increased to 63%. For twenty years around 53% voted. Why did it increase by 10% in 2020? Cheating?)
- Pornography in schools
- Boys in girls’ sports
- Boys using girl’s bathrooms and locker rooms
- Jefferson High School not being the number 1 school in the nation due to democratic admission. I think they are now 17th best high school in the nation. The liberal schoolboard changed admission policy because too many Asians were admitted to the school. They wanted more diversity! That’s liberal racism!
Do you agree with all of the above statements that democrats are for?
You stated, “Republican officials passing laws to require government funded schools to display the 10 Commandments.” Louisiana is the only state that has made this a law!
You stated, “…. limiting access in those public schools to the teachings of other religions.” That is not true!
How do democrats interpret the constitution differently than republicans?
Let’s talk in two years. You are brainwashed and wrong with your comments.
It’s crazy when you call people brainwashed, it’s like you want to believe that about others so badly because its a form of self-denial. That we are the sheeple and not you. Bless you. Genuinely it’s really sad how gullible you are that you read and believe everything whatever Trump echochamber you ascribe to feeds you.
You gobble down whatever conspiracy theory suits your narrative about your idol and how the media is out to get him yadayadayada, or maybe…just maybe…he’s a genuine cuntwaffle, a convicted rapist and felon.
I have no love for The Donald (he’s a tit just like the rest of politicians, only in it for self serving), but he is not convicted for rape as per the law at the time it was sexual abuse. ABC news was sued by Donald for this distinction.
I have admitted that I am brainwashed – but I also know I can think for myself. Like I said before when President Trump does something that is wrong I will be the first to talk about it. I do not see you and other idiot liberals disagreeing with any stupid things the democrats do because you are so brainwashed. You put on your jack boots and follow the liberal propaganda no matter how stupid it is!
Here’s ten more issues that democrats are for:
• Raising taxes
• Supporting climate change policies that taxes pay for (green new deal). How has this helped?
• Supporting electric vehicles. [No infrastructure – initial cost too expensive – range anxiety – repairs very costly – using child labor to provide to the U.S. and other countries the raw materials needed, producing batteries are terrible for the environment – China makes money on every battery produced – etc., etc., etc.]
• Being dependent on foreign oil.
• Open borders run by the cartels. (Deaths, Rape, Fentanyl, Slavery, Prostitution, etc.)
• Defunding the police.
• Sanctuary cities
• Not arresting people committing crimes. De-criminalizing crime.
• Giving untraceable money to Gaza, Iran, Ukraine
• Supporting two wars while Biden has been in office