President Trump

I wasn’t talking to you, Buckwheat. I was responding to a comment someone else had said about Republicans standing up to TRump. But now that you’ve mentioned it, if the jack boot fits, you should definitely wear it . . .


lol Buckwheat was a solid joke there.

You liberal brainwashed dumbass prick. You called me a fascist and now you ‘re calling me a Nazi. What is wrong with you? You are not worth responding to. You are a terrible person, you liberal brainwashed dumbass prick!

Then don’t respond, Bubba.

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Have you read anything, AT ALL, about Canada, Greenland, the UK or the Panama canal? At least two of those countries are ready to go to war to protect their sovereignty.

Close, but no cigar. The most evil, psychopathic, despicable excuse for a human being to ever walk the planet is your buddy, the racist, rapist, homophobic, xenophobic, transphobic, criminal, orange shit slime. The one who cares about no one except himself, power and greed. He will bankrupt this country both morally and financially, and will make the US a pariah to every country in the world.


According to you we have a person who is worse than Hitler as our President. You are a loss cause. I feel sorry for you to have to go through life loathing, hating President Trump. If you really believe President Trump is worse than Hitler how do you sleep at night. You cannot think for yourself. You only believe in liberal propaganda. It must be terrible to live life thinking liberal propaganda is true!


Are you serious? Trump is worse than Hitler?

Are you really saying Trump is worse then the person centrally responsible for the holocaust killing around 6 million Jews, a person who is responsible for triggering the most deadly military conflict in history where around 75 million people died


Lennie, i am confused now. I might not remember well, but, aren’t you a British citizen living in England ? :thinking:


giphy (7)

They were kinda short with popcorn :wink:

For debate like this popcorn is unsuitable.

There have been 120 comments since I first commented (replying to Lucas) on this subject in the last two days and I still do not have an answer as to why I should vote for a democrat without being negative towards President Trump and Republicans. Seemed like a simple question. I really wanted to know what Lucas thought and others about the positive policies and issues democrats believe in. There have only been two policies that a liberal has talked about. Universal Healthcare and supporting WHO. That’s it?? Obama care was supposed to make sure all U.S. citizens would have health care. There are still 26 million Americans that do not have healthcare. How did that work out, Obama? And we all know the WHO is worthless. Where are the positive policies liberals believe in?

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In the 120 comments I have been called an in-bred, a minor, a Nazi, and a racist. President Trump has been called an evil, psychopathic, despicable excuse for a human being to ever walk the planet. A racist, rapist, homophobic, xenophobic, transphobic, criminal, orange shit slime. He will bankrupt this country both morally and financially, and will make the US a pariah to every country in the world. He will take Greenland by force. He is an old pervert and a narcissist. He is ultranationalist, pro-Russia, and pro-Nazis. Using this kind of language does not bring unity to this country.
I think I have proven that a liberal cannot tell me why they would vote for a democrat without being negative towards President Trump and Republicans. I think I have proven that all these negative comments are because of liberal propaganda and people being brainwashed. It also shows how idiotic, unwise, stupid, and foolish people are to believe in liberal propaganda. Prove me wrong.

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What on earth are you talking about. In fairness to Trump he is right out there in terms of what he says and does. We can all make our own judgements about him based on seeing and listening to him. You like what you see, I despise him for reasons many have set out above and others. We have both made our judgements on seeing and listening to him so you can cut the utter crap about liberal propaganda.


Can someone tell me when eggs are going to be cheap? He promised $1.00 a dozen

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You obviously believe liberal propaganda. You are so brainwashed you don’t even realize how brainwashed you are. What have you seen and listened to from President Trump for you to hate and despise him so much? I know the answer but I would like to hear it from you!

I guess you think they should be $1.00 a dozen after he has been in office for 3 days! Give him at least a week…OK?

The answer as to brain washing is in your reply. I am not going to waste my time talking to you if you don’t even credit me the ability to make up my own mind. Good luck to you and yours.


I’m just asking for an explanation on why you hate and despise President Trump. How can I credit you that you have the ability to make up your own mind when you can’t tell me why you hate and despise him so much!

So you transpose what I write to ‘hate and despise’ and you talk about Liberal propaganda. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


@Lennie185278 Okay, i’ll bite on your question, why i would vote democrat without saying somethkng negative about Trump / Republicans. I value the idea of freedom of religion, and a separation of church and state. I support a healthcare system that is more aligned with what you find in other productive countries, as well as a firm belief in science and education. I also align with a liberal view of the Constitution. These are all fundamental points of Democrats.


Let me quote you, “I despise him for reasons many have set out above and others.” I should not have assumed that you hate him. In the quote above you stated, “……and others.” I made the assumption that “……and others” you were referring to agreeing to the hate “others” have for President Trump. I am glad to hear you do not hate him! I will make another assumption about “……and others,” and that is, you think President Trump is a racist, rapist, homophobic, xenophobic, transphobic, criminal, orange shit slime, an old pervert and a narcissist, ultranationalist, pro-Russia, and pro-Nazis but you don’t hate him! I’ll try this again. Please explain to me why you despise, not hate, President Trump?