
Camille & Will and Kristy & Timotheo realm offlisted suddenly….:thinking:

maybe its connected realm 86

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Official statement is that all those realms will have to leave for now to avoid possible problems. Guys from support do not know more too. Realms temporarily leaving off listed will be:

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you know why?

It is connected to the happenings in realm86. Support says they do not know more. This is the official version.

I have two theories on that (My own opinion now):

  1. Viola told the police “too much” (not blaming her here) and manager and the other places got somehow in trouble
  2. Manager rents all the places from same landlord and he kicked them all out after finding out what happened in realm86.

I think 1. is the more likely one.

What actually happened at viola’s place? Can u elaborate?

Short version: Viola was u_________s and got r__ed by two guys while the others there (Two girls) did nothing to stop them. Later the day the police and landlord? came and Viola told them what happened.

I have never got used to the who is where I just know the names of people.

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Rachel & Gella realm are back….!

they never went offline

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Okay…! :sweat_smile: :sweat_smile:

not those two realms which is strange because they have the same manager

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It’s vhtv….! Will never know real reason like Tessa…! May be same ‘D’ matter…

I think Rachel & Ross is more independent of a manager, so maybe their place is something they own by themselves.

i dont think its as bad as that situation because the archives videos are still there which is a good sign its probably vhtv being extra cautious because the police are involved


Let’s hope so. I did not follow these places but I do not wish them bad. I am in contact with support and will update this topic when there are news.


This is a possibility. Not sure about realm60

Update from support: The places are expected to come back online soon

you know any details about why they all got removed?

No and I think support does not know too. Most likely only HR knows.