
VHTV have to be very careful here. Approximately 3 to 4 years ago the involvement of the police got another voyeur website closed down.

are you talking about this site? SpyGsm…

Yeah but the reasons were totally different ones…

ffs when i ask support they just give me the rules v_______n robot automated response its a joke @VHTV_James

Good morning. Let me ask for an update…

WOW I just saw the first article and she said it was staged, that’s crazy. This s__t is getting out of hand, I could never do that to a woman.

No new updates at the moment. Support did not get any new info from manager.

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But the weird thing was, the whole project was shut down after one scumbag a___ed a woman. What these eyes saw in VH, but thankfully nothing like this has ever happened to us and I hope it doesn’t.

but as i said, canceling the whole project because one jerk is violent… :man_shrugging:t2:

I’ve been watching for a few years, Sergio was the first death on the site I’ve seen and it really pissed me off. I’m a black man from Detroit and seen a lot, it really frustrates me when I see the nonsense on this site and RLC and the article from Spygsm. I can appreciate the real life aspect of it, but most or at least some of us, see it or seen it in our life spans. True I can stop watching, my screen time has decreased a lot, my subscriptions are very limited or non existent. I honestly just check in to see if much has changed.

No the main reason SpyGasm was cancelled was the people from Russia had no working permit in EU (Estonia)

They had them on tourist visa but as they earned money there they need working visa.

Come on now, how many violent incidents have happened on VH? You probably know better thank I do. Violence against a woman should be ZERO tolerance, violence against another person should really be enough.

I didn’t know that, :dizzy_face:most of them were pornstars anyway, Miha Nika etc. etc. I wouldn’t hang around much, but at that time I found a bug of the site and I had a chance to watch it all the time, so I was sad at the time when site closed. :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

There was also a similar even more silly project in same country called rasputinmansion. Closed for same reason.

You are right all the way. I have exactly the following situation in my life;

Female = Male

Male = Female

  • “equality to the end of the world”

I appreciate VH more than any other voyeur site because it has a lot of real life situations. I’m not a fan of how they would let some people off with a warning. It’s like, hey, keep making us money and don’t do it again and that’s definitely not cool.

Exactly… They got the unwanted type of attentions over them because of that episode, and from there to close was quite quick
And then people get all pissed off when apartments are closed because of d__gs or violence and the scenes are deleted.

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yes it’s true

but I also have another little question to @VHTV_James ? :thinking: Why our “Villa Archives” ( website ) were deleted, :face_with_monocle: at least we could have paid for the Archive, I would have paid it personally

(if it’s another CEO or something else, I apologize but it’s very sad that we can’t fully access those archives now :cry: - ahhh, those times :fire: :fire: :fire: )

@jabbath1987 Do you have any information on this subject?

You mean the voyeur-villa archives? VHTV stated before they have nothing to do with them and could do nothing to save them. I have saved quite a lot of things from there but I do not have any space to upload such a big amount of data. And I won’t pay for space…

Thanks Jabba for clarifying that. I was referring to Spygasm being closed by the police. It was implied it was closed because of an allegation of r__e being committed, and it could have been that which started their investigation, but it seems they uncovered a lot more!