Mira & Henry (Part 1)

It is wonderful to see their apartment but how did VHTV know I would want them in my favorites group?

they are in the old realm group of troy and savanna

OK great new day so far, Now just waiting for the Wendy & Koen, Marica topic to open!

I have Marica images, But I can’t put them here!

it was opened


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Yeah, don’t like jumbo jet flaps :rofl:

Like a badly packed kebab :nauseated_face: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Happy Big Brother GIF by MOODMAN

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Bit of prime steak gone wrong :rofl:


Don’t know if you have seen the funny gifs page? Have a look at the one I posted, the very last one, it’ll make you chuckle :rofl:

Fuck me never seen that topic, obviously fucking losing it somewhere :rofl:
See what you mean though :rofl:

les habran dado el numero del reino pero esa casa no es la de troya y sabanna

is true what you say, it is not about the apartment :+1:

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yep like an open face Arby’s roast beef sandwich , complete with horsey sauce…


I have to fill the table with food for Paul … that cup of food is not enough … :joy: :joy: :joy:


Pretty sure he ate before :rofl:

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Can a party get hot when Paul and Debbie are there.

Only, as they are running out the door, I think!

(EDIT) or she starts to whip a naughty boy!

but why not invited new people never seen it would be nice instead we always see the same people …