Mira & Henry (Part 1)

when you have a party at your house… do you always invite strangers or ppl you have only met one time or do you invite those that you know and trust and have some kind of chemistry with

Everybody is new until you meet them just seemsthat no new b___d is being introduced any longer just the same old boring ones with the exception of Wendy and Marica. And they were new once.

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Are you asking a normal person or a sex maniac?

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prima che un mira e henry diventassero gestori il loro appartamento era il migliore ma ora che è diventato un manager e quindi quando aprono altri appartamenti vedi sempre le stesse persone vorrei ricordarti un henry nel 2020 ogni volta che organizzava una festa lì erano sempre persone nuove sia ragazzi che ragazze infatti era l’appartamento migliore…

what the fuck is an evening with always the same people …

I think Henry,with all respect, has been taken over by his own ego and has to be the centre of attention all the time, this is what’s pissing many people off i think and turning against him.
Yes it may have been novel in the begining but often now it is, in my opinion, embarassing.
Have said this before, i don’t think managers should even take part in participants party’s or whatever.
Let them form their own methods and ways otherwise they all tend to be the same, ie…Henry’s ways.
Many of his old mates and females don’t seem to want to come anymore, even Felix is slowly dying out.

well… if I plan on having sex with someone… then i want to know who they are and that they are clean and dont have any STD’s. and if you invited new/strangers then you dont know who they have been with or what their lifestyle is like

i agree with you the new apartments must grow gold for the cabbage (but henry in my opinion will never change) …

All of Henry’s guests or friends were new to the game initially so that argument can be dispelled i think.

you’re right, we’ll close the conversation, otherwise we’ll never finish …

but they all didnt play the first time they came over either… not until they got to know one another. and personally I would much rather have 6-8 good close friends than I would 20-25 friends that just show up to _____ and want to fuck anything that walks

Quite agree, think we have all said our views or we will only go round in circles otherwise.

and this I liked because organizing parties with almost always new people for us spectators …

Some just turn up to eat and _____ :rofl:

Talking about new people there is a new girl who fits in nicely lately (Carolyn) Also a lot new people visiting realm48 lately. Of course not all of them can be suitable.

In the beginning, I think Henry and Mira met and got into real swinging and going to the partys’ thrown by Loki and Lydia!

He fucked up by trying to do it on his own, but never got it right!

The L&L partys’ were much better than any Henry thing!

That is why more than two years after L&L parties ended he is still in the project :joy::joy:

you just cant please some ppl… they think if the participants have a party… that means they HAVE to fuck to have a good time lol And if its not a gangbang all out everyone fucking… then those that dont fuck are boring.

Henry thinks because he’s the manager the women owe him a debt of gratitude, and he expects to sample the merchandise sort of speak. In my opinion, he should be the host only and let the guests think for themselves, without him initating any sexual advances. The women should come to him, not the other way aroumd

this thought of yours travels only in your brain …