Mira & Henry (Part 1)

Yes it is just you. Nobody else here is as obsessed with that topic. Seriously can you think of something else sometimes? :rofl: :stuck_out_tongue: :see_no_evil:

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its his point of view, but then again your a henry fan nothing can be said against him some people like him so dont its only a point of view its a forum for god shake

Is that a new energy _____? God Shake? :rofl: :rofl:

i am not english so spelling wrong. you know what i mean but you take piss carry on

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Nah I rather _____ God Shake :rofl: :rofl:

forgot your german :joy: :joy: :joy:

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“your German”??..you’re German??

Alex and Anna…apartment?

That was a long time ago… :stuck_out_tongue:

me likes english lesson carry on please :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


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Hey guys. I’ve looked at all these great-looking pics of Mira, but there’s not a one where her hand wasn’t blocking her pussy. Does anyone have one, or some, with nothing blocking her pussy. I would sure appreciate it. Thanks, guys.


I don’t think you guys realized it is MOM Day. Mira’s Orgasmic Monday. One weak one with the vibrator running out of battery and 10 by hand. And she was NOT watching porn. That’s 10 orgasms. Amazing!!! This one is number 3. I saw a couple and wondered how many she could do.If anyone is interested, I can list the times.


OMG!!! Thank you, Herky. And even a video!! You are a gem of a guy. Greatly appreciated!! I just love Mira’s pussy.

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Something that bothers me about M&H return is they are slobs , piles of stuff every where . When @koen @wendy @marcia the place was keep a neat as a pin , clean and tidy
I miss that neat & tidy look… :thinking: :face_with_monocle: :pleading_face:

Go figure, the younger and hornier group was cleaner

Marica Wendy and Koen are online :smile:
just refresh the browser

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