Mira & Henry (Part 1)

Unlike marica who is his cum bucket

Dont know why the facepalms, he only uses her so he can shoot his load every so often as the sex never lasts that long but just long enough to relieve himself :rofl:

Is it just me or does it seem mira doesn’t want sex anymore? She hasn’t spread those legs in a while!

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I gave him a facepalm because he showed absolutely no personal respect by calling her a cum-bucket. I can think of little as demeaning as that. It would be nice if this forum could respect the participants even if they cannot respect the other forum members

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I don’t think Ryan was really being demeaning to Marica as such but more like what Henry uses her for and was just his way of expressing it, that was how i interpreted it.

Thumbs down me all you want @dennis56371, it’s what’s called being used.
He doesn’t do it to anybody else.

Exactly, Henry always does, because no other women will let him do it,

No, not just you - I have noticed as well and am missing her action!

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I miss seeing her in action as well. She’s sexy as hell! I wonder if she’s tiring of the swinger lifestyle? I hope not!

When I remember right she had sex with Henry Saturday morning

That is not normal for Mira! :wink:

Mira ready to Blow


Round 2


she like henry the boss and a pimp she can do what ever she wants she does not need to fuck , she has other young girls to do that for her

I think they mean she hasn’t fucked anyone else

I don’t believe Mira has lost her sexuality at all!

I first saw her 4 or 5 years ago when they tweeted their wedding announcement!

At that time I thought their time in VHTV was limited, and when I came back last November. I was shocked to see them still here! Is she tired of being watched all the time?

Is the pay from VHTV worth the irritation of living with the cameras every where you look?

Comme vous le dites, ca fait presque 5 ans qu’ils sont mariĂ©s et j’ai aussi remarquĂ© que Mira ne fait plus l’amour qu’avec Henri depuis qu’ils ont le petit chien. Je pense qu’ils essaient d’avoir un enfant c’est pour ca qu’elle ne fait qu’avec lui.

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Henry’s ego loves it :rofl:

Is it just me or are a lot of parties at H&M, just an excuse to get Marica and Wendy to give Henry blowjobs and possibly a fuck