Mira & Henry (Part 1)

Henry multi-tasking! :rofl: :rofl:


11 posts were split to a new topic: About operators

M____rs Day Lol GIF by reactionseditor

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Mira is incredibly sexy! Love watching her in threesomes!

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Mira was very lively and in a good mood this morning. Perhaps they will host a party tonight. Havenā€™t had one in several days.

if your lookin for Mira and Henryā€¦ they are going to Party tonightā€¦ check out Merica and Mikl pad

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Sort of looks like trouble again. M&H were at Miki and Maricaā€™s partying last night. Marica was insistent on getting to Henry. When the party wound down Mira left when Paul and Debbie did leaving Miki Marica and Henry. Didn;t look like Miki was too happy with Henry being there but he was so s___py that he went to the bedroom and crashed as he has been known to do. Mira went home (16 minutes away) and went to bed. Henry screwed Marica for 2 hours. He got home almost 3 hours after Mira. In the morning Henry got up and left as far as I can tell and has not been back since. Mira stayed in bed almost ALL day. She went out for a while and got right back in bed. Didnā€™t see the dog all day.

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The Dog is there. She was walking the dog. I hope mira is ok. Dont really care about Henri do. Heā€™s a creep.


Just saw Henry come into the living room with his robe on no sign of Mari


A day will come that Mira will regret ever being a part of VHTV. The reason is easy, sheā€™s going to feel like she sold her self out. And when that day comes, sheā€™ll be right.

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Mira is happy again. Henri just fucked her in the bedroom until she squealed.

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alls well in the house againā€¦ Henry took off pants and Mire immediatly took off the red thongs

looks like bath time and play time

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Howā€™s grandpa and grandma doing these days. Mira still wearing the moody bitch face all the time? I have a sub, but I canā€™t be bothered with checking. Thanks in advance!

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Sounds to me that you and Amy should start your own forum so you can bitch about everybody to your harts content. Or perhaps your one in same person. I know i should not reply as engorging people like you is always the best advice.

Nope! I have better things to do then waste my life on running a forum for a sex site. Thatā€™s a job for a guy who canā€™t get a girlfriend. I mean a real life girlfriend. Like as in one they can actually touch. Regularly. :joy:

You must be a very lonely person that canā€™t say anything good about anyone !

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Thereā€™s only one way to deal with people like this, and thatā€™s to completely ignore them. Donā€™t respond or react to their post, at all. Iā€™ve made the mistake of getting triggered recently, but now gone back to completely ignoring. Recommend everyone to do the same.

Itā€™s kinda like this.


I donā€™t care. I really donā€™t care.