This scene is not there cause you didn’t request it
Please don’t be shy to request scene you liked if you don’t see it next day after action happened. Otherise there’s big chance nobody records it without your help
You have 10 operators now. Surely, we can expect every single sex act to be captured without request, no?
There’s my little bitch boy.
You have 10 operators now.
You keep saying about 10 operators now. Where you you get 10 from, are you just guessing or are there some operators that I don’t know about??? Who are the 10 operators that you are talking about?
Surely, we can expect every single sex act to be captured without request, no?
Erm, no. The archive is not there to capture every round of sex, every masturbation (male & female), every shower (male & female), every instance of nudity (male & female) from every apartment. The archive is there as a selection providing the best moments as chosen by the operators, VHTV support and viewers requests.
It’s very simple, if there is something that people see that they would like saving then just fill out the request form - it’s quick & easy to do. If people can’t be bothered completing the form, then they can hardly be in a position to complain if their favourite moment doesn’t get saved.
I think it’s safe to say everyone expects every sex act to be captured.
As far as I’m aware Pete4735 & Nack are not saving moments, so although they may be listed in the group they are not active operators.
I think it’s safe to say everyone expects every sex act to be captured.
Well I don’t think everyone expects everything to be saved, and anyone that does expect everything to be saved is wrong. Nowhere has VHTV ever said that everything will be saved.
As I said previously, if there is something you want saving, just fill in a request form and it will be saved.
I think nack and golfer pretty much saved all of the sex acts. Why can’t 8 of you guys too?
And why can’t you fill out a request form?
I guess maybe some people aren’t glued to it 24/7, but would like to see what they like captured automatically so when they do come on they can see what sex they missed.
With respect, I have only just joined the team. I haven’t started properly (yet) but I will do my best when I am able. Thank you for your understanding.
I have a technical suggestion to that. Who should do I address it to?
We shall have more b___dy operators soon than participating members
Well, you’d think with 10 there wouldn’t be a need for requests unless it was something none sex related.
I was curious to verify what @Jin said
so i took a spreadsheet and made some calculation based on this
we have a total of 2576 video recorded in a month,
that (average 3 cams every video) makes 860 moments recorded
we have 34 realms:
means about 25 video for every realm during the month
or if you prefer 28 video everyday.
Good lord ! Do participants fuck more than this in a month ?!? … i’m fucking jealous
2576 videos recorded in a month and 2400 are showers.
I think it’s pretty ridiculous to think that 10 operators should catch everything. There are 34 realms, I wanna say something like 225 different rooms covered. So you think 10 people should each be able to monitor 3.4 realms and 22.5 rooms at every given moment? Not accounting for any time to s___p, eat, or any sort of break? Your expectations are far apart from reality.