Sorry for the spelling…
The spelling is a bit unusual but I like it
Henry must be b___dy desperate if all he can attract now is that young kid
OK. What happened with Mira this time. Looks like she left again.
Did Mira just leave?
Dunno wasn’t watching earlier but she certainly ain’t there now.
but they did had any action tonight
All is well, she just took the dog for a walk.
What happened was Mira left with the dog at 0349 Voyeur time. Seven minutes later Henry had Marica’s pants down trying to lick her pussy from behind while Marcia was putting dishes in the dishwasher. Henry had his orgy with Mike and Marica for about an hour. Very good one. When they were finished Henry called Mira and she came in the door 5 minutes later. Mira seems like she was ok with it.
Este trío es sólo el inicio, de un trío bisexual de hombres y me encanta lo que pasó hoy.
Henry is bisexual, I’m not convinced they other guy is, unless I’ve missed something.
Yo tampoco creo que el otro chico lo sea, pero si ves bien el trío henry le toma el pene al chico y el no se opone, lo mismo pasó cuando se follo a su novia, henry chupo su pene y el lo disfruto mucho se nota en sus caras de placer, y en la última posición sexual henry estaba abajo lamiendo el pene del chico mientras penetraba a su novia y acabó muy rápido, y eso sucede cuando se disfruta. Hora 04:21
He didn’t stay with them very long though, he pretty much left them to it, I don’t think he felt that comfortable with it, unlike Henry who will fuck anything that moves
No se quedó por que acabo y se fue a lavar como todo ser humano necesita descansar para volver a exitarse.
He might be OK with Henry sucking his dick, but I don’t see it ever going beyond that. But who knows, watch this space I guess! I have re looked at the footage, I’m not sure he sucks his dick, it’s quite hard to see. Can you pinpoint the time?
Claro tampoco creo que ocurra algo entre ellos dos solos, difícilmente pasará, pero aún así mientras haya una mujer de por medio pueden hacer muchas cosas
Why aren’t these scene in the HD Clips Gallery?
I guess none of the moment operators are into them or nobody asked to record. How 9 operators work together is a bit of a mystery.
Creo que Marica y Micky ,se han marchado de la casa, lo mismo tienen casa propia, pero encima de la cama de Mira había monton de ropa pero a dejado a su mascota ,así que volverá