Mira & Henry (Part 1)

Henry and Mira going somewhere? Henry dressed and I noticed Mira shaved before she exited the bath today

Concuerdo completamente contigo, yo e hecho lo mismo ignoro completamente a esta persona que dice tener una vida pero en realidad no la tiene, no debe tener amigos, familia ni mascota quien lo quiera nadie en el mundo puede ser tan amargado y quejumbroso

If you guys ignoring Jin why are you still talking about him? :thinking:

The reality is that this is a forum and people get heated and type on their keyboard without thinking. It takes a while to realise that it is better to ignore someone out to ruin your pleasure but once you have then the forum becomes enjoyable again. That person Jin has that tendency to get one riled up. No use saying what I think of them as it will only empower them.

Se que lo dices por mi, pero al decir que lo ignoro es no responderle a esa persona, simplemente le doy un concejo a otra persona para que no pierda el tiempo

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It’s not only you. I say it because if Jin makes a comment and bam people respond to it while they say they have Jin on ignore. I just dont get that if you have someone on ignore dont react. thats all. :+1:

well… if they were going out… they are in no hurry… with Mira now reading a book and him playing video games hmmmmm

The real sad part is you get to see the ignore comment at times. Not like Facebook where you cannot see anything and they can’t see you.

He would just be talking to himself but at least he would have somebody listening to his garbage!

So what. If have him on ignore dont react even if you see it its that simple.

I think this article is about Mira and Henry, and there is a long argument about superfluous things. Wouldn’t it be nice if everything stuck to the topic instead of nonsensical discussions.

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I know. this is going to be moved. sorry. :hugs:


Sorry but I think everybody has a right to speak even if it is garbage they are spewing! I have never put anybody on “Ignore” but some people I must admit I do feel sorry for, because the life they must lead because of the way they view life

I’m only saying if you have someone on ignore it for reason.

Hey, Mr. Bull, do you see this red flag? You don’t have to run towards it, it’s that simple :slightly_smiling_face:.

But I would say that’s exactly what she’s counting on. That is also very simple. Her whole game is about provocation and confrontation.


If I ask nicely, Mira could post a photo of your little growler. I mean the dog of course. The other one has an archive of videos …

Dog Smile GIF

So, may we have a photo of Snoopy please, Mira? :kissing_heart: It’s for the participants wiki page. Because VHTV pets deserve credit too. :sunglasses:

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I already have one here:


Oh, okay. Still would be nice to have a clearer photo. :neutral_face:

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That little dog is ridiculously cute. It’s like a little lion. :slight_smile: Gorgeous little thing.


Jin is Amy.