Mira & Henry (Part 1)

shouldn’t the clothes be disappearing by now?

this would be a great Orgy to watch.

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Can anyone recall when M& H were married?
I remember it was in their previous apartment, great party afterwards. Was it around this time of year - is this an anniversary party?

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Too many controlling boyfriends here tonight… and Mira will blow hot and cold… this party has anticlimax written all over it.

The bed is not cleared off. Does that mean they don’t plan for any extraneous activity?

Wow!!! two people having a fun communication together without any negative thoughts or intentions other than just having fun together and you just had to invite yourself in with your negative comments and just assuming I was referring to the movie ( Pretty Woman) when in reality that Movie was not even on my mind when I wrote my comment to Lyric171370. I was referring to the song by Roy Orbison ( Pretty Woman ) and it had nothing whatsoever to do with the movie. You might want to think about that before you jump to a conclusion about what the conversation was all about and also that it was a conversation Lyric171370 were having together. That’s why were are here on the forum in the first place, to comment and give our views and takes on the people in the project and between our fellow commenters. Don’t turn something good into bad.

I think summer 2017. I know they were not dressing warm in their Twitter announcement.

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Actually, I was referring to the song by Roy Orbison ( Pretty Woman ) :sunglasses: :slightly_smiling_face: :rose:

Have you not heard of humour?

I’m sure there’s going to be something going on tonight.

Did someone bring a cat? Definite feline noises from some where. Are M & M going to buy some leather?
I think Debbie loves using that flogger.

Kostja sticks out like a sore thumb

his an amateur playing with pros

Indiria and Savannah look well loved up and seem to like Marica joining in - let’s hope so!

I am not so good with names and faces. Who is Kostja?

I think this realm has turned in to click bate…

the one between marica and indiria

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So, apparently my comment was offensive

Marica and Mikl’s houseguest

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Possibly has, but there are a number there tonight who have been up to something recently and are looking ready tonight. Question is will it happen here or will we have to wait for the characters to get back to Marica and Mikl’s.