Mira & Henry (Part 1)

Je vois que Laureen a remplacé Paul !

the way they are getting ready and the fact S,I and T are there i would say yes

Maybe Savannah can teach Kostja how to use his dick

He might finally get to do indira

I was referring to kostja

Should you not be insulted if he is indeed referring to the movie. :rofl:

Well of course Paul is there. A dud party is almost guaranteed.

Thats it for the food.

I’d like to see Savannah, Indira and Marica in a pile.

Yep, that would be very good :smiley:

too many people in small place… do not get ur hopes high

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Troy’s santa hat reminds me of his cock…hanging limp and lifeless.

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Wow, this is quite some party now. A number who don’t and a number who really do. Were M& H holding themselves back last night because of tonight!? Be interesting to see if this will be one of the best parties for some time or fizzle out after a little bit of play.

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In fairness, Indiria seemed to cure him of this, somewhat at least!

Mira & Henry always seem to have the most people over… it seems there living room is the smallest though. Interesting.

And btw, to make it perfect, I just wish for Lilia to turn up :smiley:

…and Lexy and Pete…now that would be welcome.

:thinking: that would be welcome

I hope it’s not their farewell night.

I agree with you :heart: