Mira & Henry (Part 1)

In these type of parties, I prefer watching the surreptitious stroking, groping, tongue lashing kissing to the all out dick in pussy fucking. The build up is sometimes way better to the main event.

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I saw a Dildo near Marica just now.

You are all optimistic that something else will happen. Not me. Too many people. And then the fun brake Paul. When he and his boring wife are there, nothing never happens.

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I completely agree but if all that fizzles out, the k__ling of the anticipation can be disappointing

May be right on that one. :upside_down_face:

I must say that although of all the new girls, I most wanted Lilia to turn up, Indiria has been a great new addition to the cast - she really looks hot for action with many of the others there.

Does Blondie have a name, she looks a little familiar but I cannot remember where Iā€™ve seen her before.

Laureen / Lauren

i think Troy planned to leave early as savannah protected the young one all night and he wants no one hitting on her


Here there is nothing to look at, Iā€™m going to s___p.

Well I spoke too soon. Mira clapped her hands and Troy Savannah and Indiria are leaving. Appreciate Mira doing that was probably because she knew they had to go but the party now looks likely to be deader than the nearest dodo! Thank goodness there is still hope with Amelie and Lucas :smiley:

At least kostja got a short makeout kiss from indira

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The wrong people left. As long as Paul is around, the party is dead. He and his wife should go.

Yes, she certainly seemed interested in him. Could see them at Marica and Miklā€™s where action would be likely!

May be. It takes you 15 minutes to get to M & Mā€™s apartment.

I think this is the smallest apartment they ever had. Time to move again

The penultimate apartment wasnā€™t bigger either.

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Aux alentours du 20/24 dƩcembre 2017

Around 20/24 December 2017

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Well since it seems to be dying here, I 'm going to Capos, Alex is there, He almost always gets thing started.He got Cooper and Charlizes opening party going.

Unfortunately I think itā€™s unlikely tonight - but soon hopefully!