Marla & Hector

Have a splendid evening everyone. Signing off for today with love :heart:


Visitors today :slightly_smiling_face:


This are my Dad and my Mom, they came by becouse was mom birthday
63 today!



This is the cutest one!
Thanks a lot!


Thank you and I hope your M____r had a beautiful day. Happy Birthday :slightly_smiling_face: :+1: :birthday: :champagne: :clinking_glasses:

Buon Compleanno GIF


Wisse ihre Eltern wofür die Kameras in der Wohnung sind? :wink:

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Obviously, since we are not actor it’s easy for us to explain
and as a gronw adult, parents know people fuck in their life xD


:point_up: :point_up: :point_up:
grandi genitori che tollerano scopare davanti al loro figli…

Sorry. Das war falsch übersetzt.

Ihr seid hier das allerbeste Paar ünd ich bin nur wegen euch noch hier. Ich möchte mich nochmals ganz herzlich bedanken, dafür dass ihr uns an eurem täglichen Leben teilhaben läßt. Es ist schön einige Zeit mit euch teilen zu dürfen. Mille Grazie :it:

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Thanks to you man, it’s always good to see affection and love for us.
it’s a pleasure to have a lot of friend who can partecipate our life in this way.

Btw this is also the reason why dad do not think about fucking every time he see the camera, and also him live him without a tought

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Marla’s really wants the remote :joy: :joy: :joy:

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:laughing: This is why I love these guys, nothing fake… just normal life :+1:


Why this apartment is out of the list?

Bah… Chi ci capisce è bravo

in che senso? fuori dalla lista?

I do not know what he means. You were online all the time…

Ah, the good life, sharing a meal :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :joy: :baguette_bread:

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anybody no why Hector and Marla is offline

They are sometimes away for the weekend visiting friends. :wink: