thanks a lot
The Good Life
A beautiful summer look again today.
I hope you like the renovation, new angle for all the involved cam following soon
I love seeing all these guys together simply laughing and having a nice time. This realm has always offered everything but in a normal way of life. We Irish have always loved the Italian’s and vice versa. My late M____r always said it was the Italian’s and Irish that built America. When I think about it… she was right. They were the two biggest players. I think we did a good job
Anyway much love to you guys tonight from the emerald Island here in the North West of Europe.
We are coming back from a Games event we also help to build and promote, it was a BIG succsess
so we are TIRED but happy
Big success sounds very good and positive
TBH the affluence was more than double than expected, yesterday i was simply DEAD
You could sell your game to an investor or license it to a big company?
we are under the biggest italian producer for our kind of game (tabletop RPG)
The best of luck to you guys with everything
Let me say I enjoy seeing this guest visit. You guys always have so many laughs and your realm is simply warm, welcoming and kind… something many places / countries our beautiful planet needs right now
Lazin’ on a sunny afternoon
Had a closer look, and it is actually raining outside of Marla and Hector’s place. Just thougt the line from that old song was quite a good text to this pic
I took the same picture. Such a sexy body!
Beautiful Marla!!
Thank you guys