Marla & Hector

new switch up ad running, now we must eait amazon delivery the new cam and new terrace view in oncoming!!!


looking forward to it Hector

Did VHTV support you with that?

Much of the wiring in some apartments makes me laugh to be honest. :laughing:

sometimes me too, as an ex technician
but i really don’t want to.argue with concrete

and here an house is ALWAYS all concrete

btw rj45 are ugly but made it good, they have a good response :slight_smile:

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i do appreciate what you say. :laughing:
I must admit i was thinking more of what i have seen in many of the streets in Spain, many like spaghetti hung across all the streets. I often wonder why there are not more accidents with electricity. :laughing:

here management is generally good but difficult without correct concrete equipment (qe are italian not spanish)

i usually do my own wiring causa was my job, even the RJ is made by myself but i do not have the equipment i has while i work


Maybe a party today :partying_face:


Looking like a nice little get together


it is really after all this trouble some chilln with friends is the real panacea


Enjoy buddy :+1::+1:

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Enjoy mate :+1::pray:

Jabb las dos cámaras de este reino, se han movido de como estaban inicialmente quitando parte detrás de la piscina la leva 11 se a movido a la derecha antes no se veía el muro en la esquina inferior derecha y la leva 12 lo a echo a la izquierda igual antes solo se veía el muro donde esta enganchada la hamaca, y ahora se ven las casas de detrás de este reino
asi no vemos lo que pasa detras de la piscina en la zona chill-out

i know, thats why we asked for another one
when amazon came that last problem was solved

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sadly for aome reason the old big angle camera reduse to work on the old architecture, so this is the only combination who does actually work I’ve ordered and place the cable for the third one, but its still traveling cause 15 august is national holiday and there is a weekend in the middle.

due to then fault caused by the wind storm of the other day this is the best solutionwe can setup with a fault and the time shortage, sorry for the inconvenience

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Love the outfit. By the way, who is the girl in the blue bathing suit? She’s cute.


Shes Aerynn, one of the usual guest
but she fit up a lot in this timespan she and Averadiel cannot came to our house due to health issue of him

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Sorry to read that. I hope it’s not a permanent health issue and he gets better.

slowly but steady
a post covid sindrome

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