i wrote tp.her tomorrow
thanks buddy!
deve essere nuovo non sa come vi comportate e come siete…
I have always supported and loved Marla & Hector. They have a great realm. Special and beautiful people
Hey pal am begining to wonder if you have a problem with posting single shots rather then posting multiple images of the same image
haha my finger slipped give me a break
lol, we rey to transform a camera fault into a power up
expect news in a few days xD
looking forward to it
Can you try the WiFi cam?
The new camera is great, but I think it needs to be turned a little more towards the pool.
something very similar
i dont think i can but terrace renovation is not ended dont be afraid xD
BTW renovaton is a bid demanding, help wotj coin can be uaeful
u plan to recover the lost terrace camera and place a greenzone pool zone cam xD
I have a few coins. How many would help?
yeah i just sent them 30 i respect them so much as they real no acting for the cameras wish everybody on vhtv where like hector and marla
i really don’t know how much they worth on donation, but it was some.hundred just ro repair the damage on terrace (this exclude the power up) so every help its welcome
DAMN dude thanks!