Marcel & Flora

Okay danke

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just asking is Flora coming back ?

Ja dan weet je toch meer dan de meeste leden :wink:
Niets van opgevangen :kissing:

I miss Wayne, I can’t deny it. He was one of a number guys I really looked forward to seeing on the project, whenever I clicked onto his cameras.


So nice to see a lady so confident and happy about her body.

:fire: morning

Well, I will choose the words, but here, not elsewhere.
There are parties where there is only music, rock, other parties where y only listen to techno music, etc., there are couples in this apartment, that when it comes to doing something, it is themed parties with monochromatic images, infrared and …, because the level of relaxation, it does not allow to do otherwise, nudity, yes, good images in the shower, yes, but after “infrared monochromatic theme party”

There were is exceptions, finally hallelujah

this exception

And also beautiful exception

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:eyes: :yum: :innocent:

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Is het enigste die is op de grond is gevallen , dat zijn de camera’s .
Maar al het andere : gsm , a_____l , flessen, etc… :rofl: :sweat_smile: :rofl:

…and underwear?

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it was at the appartment jenya dayda and friends, i think it was like a week ago, i saw it in the archives, but i dont know if they stayed there or maybe they were like guests there, i dont know

Мы были там в гостях


You will have your appartment or staying at floras?

У нас будет своя квартира :hugs:


That’s great news can’t wait :hugs:

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Флора будет в вашем списке гостей? :smile:

Looks as if Elina is here to stay. She brought a suitcase.

Both came with suitcases 2 days ago, her and Jeri.

Do we have a new dancing and teasing Queen ? :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Ik wens je heel veel :heart::heart: jouw en Isidor heel veel succes met de grote en nieuwe stap in jullie leven @Assepoester :heart_eyes::heart::heartpulse:

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