Marcel & Flora

Yes I think that is where the baby happened.

Is it normal that i dont have the floras appartment on my list of apartments?

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No, it’s not normal, you should have it. Change the apartments from the previews into the list mode and you will see it


Jeri is a bit busy :stuck_out_tongue:

Antoinette’s turn

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Meanwhile in the bathroom

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Thanks, when i have the list with the pictures, theres no flora, just a blank soace, but when its just the list with thz nales, i have floras

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Somehow this doesn’t seem to end harmonic.

Big arguments in bedroom, just wonder if she is only _____, or nuts??

Does someone understand what they are arguing about?

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I saw some of this live and felt uncomfortable. I only understand English and a little Spanish so I can’t say, but her fascial expression, hand gestures, and body language made me think she didn’t want what he was doing. I didn’t see anything before so I have no reference, but if I was there and saw the video feed in real time, I would have burst into the room to find out if she was ok. The whole scene disturbed me because I didn’t think she was consenting at one point.

Just can somebody tell me, where are living cinderella and isidor?? They were at floras, and then they were habing sex in another appartment

Which apartment was that? Do you have a timeline?

Ich hab seit gestern Abend keine Zugriff auf Flora Wohnung. Wer hat noch die Probleme ?

steht weiter oben schon: schalte auf die listenansicht um grafik , dann kommst du auch zu dieser wohnung.
Ăźber die vorschaubilder geht es aktuell nicht

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