They weren’t even having sex.
And that is the weird thing about the whole thing.
Nop, considering who are they… if was sex would it be indeed quite weird
Like this probably was just for d__gs or to whisper some secrets
She does seem to be high on something right now
This is how she normally acts. She’s not on anything.
Did the rapture come and suck them all up to heaven or something??? Where did everybody go???
Never mind, they miraculously reappeared - guess they got kicked out of heaven.
Foxy told us some time ago that both she and Altera are bipolar. The hyper behaviour gels with that diagnosis.
Yes, you are right
I’m sorry, but it’s impossible.
Just ignore that guy, he thinks that this is a dating site, I suggested that he go onto Tinder if he wants to meet people but he ignores it. I suggest you flag the post and report it as inappropriate.
Okay, thank you. I’ll do it
Luchik…nice penis to play with!!! Shame Foxy is not there to join in…
I love the fact that Luchik seems so happy to keep it on display for so long. He certainly isn’t camera shy is he?! He’s gorgeous young man, for sure.
Yes, I’m don’t shy, I like the camera
I love the camera, sadly the camera does not like me
Looks as though Foxy has had a couple and is giving poor Luchik a hard time, let’s hope for some great make up sex later!
I love Foxy’s nipples, even when _____ and angry, they are like bullets, she is so sexy!
Thank you sooooooo much
Thank you so much for replying. I have literally only just realised that you did!