
Why the Luchik apartment says relocation and offline eventhough the action continues.
Plus there are no videos in archive yet.
Is there any issue?

The apartment is online and there are plenty of videos…

Thanks but the last video from this apartment is October 18.
7 days ago

Most likely nobody suggested anything…

Luchik is playing Resident Evil 2 Remake

I was wrong it’s Resident Evil 6 :joy:

I love Resident Evil especially the latest one Village.

I could never have guessed :wink: It is a favourite of mine too!

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Luchik, beautiful spread of you sitting there on the pillow by the couch…

I got al games of Resident Evil. From PS 1 to PS 5. Love the games and the Movies too.

Milla Jovovich :+1: :+1: :+1: … first movie was nice :+1: … but then oh boy, oh boy (just my opinion :wink:)

Milla Jovovich beautyful woman very very nice nipples. :heart_eyes:

Thanks) foxy tired after me, and I’m k__ling the time)

I like it too)


Foxy knows how to please a man!!!

Make that “tent” is not the same that cover a camera? Impossible to see what is happening there :unamused:

Why are they fucking under that tablecloth so we can’t see??? That’s a bit out of character for this bunch!!! :face_with_raised_eyebrow: :face_with_raised_eyebrow: :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

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Maybe they are doing something they don’t want us to see, otherwise it just makes no sense at all!

I did open a ticket. More people might do the same. This the same that cover the camera with a towel! :rage: