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2021-09-09 - Removed Arteyas name who never lived there.

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Cam5 is basically useless. I will do a ticket…


“ex-” marina & caleb…

The agency boss is there…

Did not see Mr. S__tty Cams yet.
But who is Luchik and who is Artey?

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He is not the one that “take care” of this group

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No idea… but by sound i would say Artey is the one with a dick

And the title is wrong, the agency don’t like to give the idea that they are a couple

Fixed the title. You think these one are Schuyler & Conor announced by Twitter or there is one more realm coming?

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Different ones. But no idea what “very soon” means :grin:

Me neither. At least they already have a topic now :joy:

Arteya is Marina, and Luchik is Kaleb) no matter it is vh name only, but you are know them)))

Thanks. Can you please tell them to fix cam5? It shows the back of the sofa instead the sofa itself. They have to move it up and tilt it down

Name changed to Arteya

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Most cams seem rather b___dy useless tbh.??? Lost my binoculars now so i am fucked :rofl:

Especially cam5 makes no sense at all

That’s the problem with having these big rooms they ain’t very cam friendly unless you have tripods which are unsightly.

Is this a First Models place?

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The boss is the same (from the agency), they are the guests from the other place
Still, for now no evidence of she’s be doing what all the others are doing, but maybe the fact that she’s in their system now will make her doing also the other part. If so, their usual sites will say soon

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Yes it is. Same sub manager as realm39

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I hope they are told to keep the shower door open, because that’s going to be a s__t view of them in the shower if they keep them closed.

Don’t bet on it. I would never chose such a place with such a shower at first…

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